Subject: CWB B0B0 B43838
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Post at 27-9-2021 17:19  Profile P.M. 
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CWB B0B0 B43838

Date & Time of Session:  Last few months (+10 times, may be close to 20)
Location:  Causeway Bay, Phoenix, 5F A2
Name:  B0B0
Nationality & Language: Mainland Chinese (Shenzhen), Chinese (~ zero English)
Age: Like most, the indicated age is likely incorrect; more like ~40Y (perfectly ok for me)
Face:  Amazing smile with dimples
Body: 4/5
Height:  5’0” is ABSOLUTELY WRONG (THAT HAS TO BE CORRECTED)!    She is ~ 5’6” or 5’7”
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5 – 5/5
GFE: 4/5
PSE: 3/5
Repeat: Yes, addicted. 

That report on B0B0 was overdue.

In my first “report” (not properly formatted) somebody raised a valid point: “Isn’t it too good to be true?”
Fair point. In May, looking for evening / night partners, I saw her pictures. Her style and smile impressed me, so I went first for 1h.
I was even more impressed! In addition to her technical skills, B0B0 is really adorable and caring (and that was on my FIRST visits). Her smile is amazing, such a cool and relax lady!
The following times, it was longer; then indoor and outdoor for lunch; then evenings in my usual HQ in Wanchai and elsewhere too.
I also spent several nights with her in her room (so I know the NO Make-Up version, late at night or …early morning…and I am asking for more).

Anyway, as indicated elsewhere, I share my time mostly between B0B0 and …Jasmine in Sheung Wan. Both are perfectly aware of that.
(Btw, spent a long time with Jasmine this morning. Much better that a psychologist to get you back on track! Very enjoyable aerobics, weird and fun, borderline hilarious morning-lunch)
So knowing my reference that should indicate how I like B0B0.

Unlike some at Phoenix that have gone …under the knife, B0B0 boobs are natural and I have not detected any face enhancement of any kind.

Height:  5’0” is ABSOLUTELY WRONG!
THAT HAS TO BE CORRECTED. And once dressed with jeans and white top, she looks even more impressive (feedback from friends in Wanchai who watched the …défilé!). She clearly LIKES going out!

Once, out for evening, we even went together to …Hing Loong (ok I know it's weird to bring a Phoenix girl there!),
where she worked some years ago (and clearly left very good opinions considering the numbers of "hello" and kisses she got on our way to ...5F !), to meet 2 other “characters” I am very familiar with, to go out, then come back to play.
Absolutely flawless with the two others. That was a great birthday for me; hilarious, almost died exhausted! Nice way to die anyway.

Warning: B0B0 is a “sleeping bunny” so for lunch time ….better book her the day before !!!
If an appointment is booked, she will be ready! If not, ...good luck

English: Zero, but considering my Chinese speaking ability is irrelevant, that’s not a problem.
She is equipped with a Voice-to-Text Translate APP (which made it weird first; then very quickly hilarious and fun) and
then thanks to Mimi, a “protocol” to translate English SMS and reply in English.

B0B0 has been moving rooms twice since May and now she is in A2, the room with THE DOOR (most visible once outside the lift) of Phoenix 5F,
which is Mimi’s room (in Shenzhen for several months). Both are close friends. Played and went out with the pair. Flawless.
A/C is quiet, bed comfortable (a bit short), CD player with loudspeakers,…Mimi has done a very good job in her room.
While B0B0 is de facto “guardian” of her friend’s room (Mimi has moved her own picture on the side, under plexiglas but B0B0 has been SLOW putting hers),
an elegant picture of her would be nice outside on the door …as I think she is OVERLOOKED !

Recent Ratings
The_One_HK   3-1-2022 10:18  Acceptance  +1   
King_Monger   3-1-2022 10:04  Acceptance  +1   When is she back?
SJG1970   23-12-2021 10:55  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
ambitious2012   21-10-2021 12:26  Karma  +4   
godisdead   30-9-2021 14:13  Karma  +6   Thanks for sharing.
kernalj1   29-9-2021 22:48  Acceptance  +1   
anabikumi   28-9-2021 11:56  Karma  +3   
homer168   27-9-2021 21:57  Karma  +4   glad u enjoyed her and thx for sharing a report here.
Mister   27-9-2021 21:38  Karma  +4   You have a unique style ;-) Which of her ad pics is the most accurate?
zebra   27-9-2021 21:02  Karma  +5   
flyz70   27-9-2021 18:15  Karma  +4   Excellent
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Post at 28-9-2021 10:57  Profile P.M. 
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Many thanks for the ratings and the comments.

“Which of her ad pics is the most accurate?”
Numbering them 1 to 8 from top left to bottom right,
#2 and #5 are NOT current: She does not have curly hair anymore.
#8 is way too serious. She is always smiling.

The rest are relevant.
#7 is THE reason I visited her…and came back again and again….and I am not done yet. 
In fact for a while, I had that picture as wallpaper on my disposable “war” burner .
As B0B0 has to put her picture on THE door, the question boiled down to #1, #3 & #4 …and yesterday morning (ok that is probably weird  ) Jasmine and I were discussing about that.
#1 was clearly our favorite, but B0B0 is likely too shy to have this one on the door
(btw, somebody made a comment about many cameras at Hing Loong: one extra reason is perhaps that before, when pictures were on many doors, some were caught enjoying themselves in front of some doors  )
so my guess is that #4 should show up on A2 5F door in the near future (better if empty space cut a bit on the left).

Business wise, she likely had a good summer (  ), so she will probably get more “work clothes” and accordingly more pictures.
B0B0 looks like (is she really? Only she knows) a very happy person, as if whatever negative was happening had no impact on her. As Mimi put it once “She lives the moment” and does not wonder about next month, next year…and her smile shows exactly that! If you had a bad day, her smile should fix that.

Hair style: Generally appear like #8, then hair rolled and tied as #1, #3, #4, #7 for work.
When we were going out, on my arrival, several sets of clothes were on the bed ready for me to decide what was appropriate based on where we were going. Hair turned into ponytail high on the head (very nice, making her taller when wearing tight jeans and white fluffy top. She impressed.)

You have a unique style ;-)
For sure I am a complete weirdo, an outlier (I will avoid the derivative term “fat tail”  )…but for ladies used to work inside all day long (boring?), often with the only view of the world being the monitor of the cameras of the corridor (), if the services provided can be “packaged” in a different way, going out or even staying in discussing of VERY UNEXPECTED  things (imagine …HKEx popping up in the conversation while …?   ) , then it changes their minds.
They are good at acting, but I did not feel that for Jasmine (took her out, while less frequently, since 2018), B0B0, Lily or Mimi going out in the evenings (once in a while, taking turns) was cumbersome for them, pretty much just the opposite.
(they are pros so they generally don’t drink alcohol, or just 1 glass. B0B0 discovered champagne for her birthday…when I popped up for the evening with a (cold) Bollinger; then for unknown reason her bed was wet )
Time is money but once the service part of the story has been agreed long ago and settled at once on arrival, then everybody has a free mind.
The third time I visited B0B0 I had booked her for 4h at 11am. First, my aerobics class in her room (after a back massage), then we went for lunch in Wanchai. Near 3pm, as lunch was done, I was worrying she would be late for her next appointment and she should pack. No, she had accepted none. As I was going for a hard Thai massage, I offered her to join me if she really wanted, no obligation as the 4h were done, and I would of course pay for her massage. “Yes, yes, yes” was pretty much the answer. And massages we got. Then around 4pm, we took a taxi together to her place (and I would keep the taxi to go on). Wondering if she would not be late, the reply was “No, it was a good day. I liked it and I take the rest of the day off!”   Too bad, I had REALLY to go.  
She is not the only one to react this way.

Recent Ratings
The_One_HK   3-1-2022 10:19  Acceptance  +1   Cannot wait for her to be back to try.
godisdead   30-9-2021 14:13  Karma  +6   Thanks for sharing.
Mister   28-9-2021 14:58  Karma  +2   Merci
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Post at 8-10-2021 09:45  Profile P.M. 
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Bo Bo Phoenix 5F A2 B43838 - FOLLOW UP

That is not a real REPORT but a follow up to the Report dated 27/09/2021.
(that said, I saw her this week, and Jasmine too btw, so my ratings would remain the same for both, very high)

Some points that I flagged have clearly been addressed:    Some DO pay attention, which is good!

Age: GONE. Great. Below 30Y, it could be relevant.
Above it is not relevant. If you enjoy your time with a partner like her, or Jasmine, then the exact age does not matter. THE SERVICE does. If I really wanted to know the ages of both I could (I know the exact full name of one) just asking, but it is irrelevant for me.

Height: 5’?  She has grown up to 5’6”. That’s more like it.

Picture on THE (the most visible door of 5F when out of the lift) door:
YES, there is one and I think it is the best among those shown on her page.

Now there are bottles of water in the fridge.

“Sleeping bunny”: with a better room (Mimi’s room, 5F A2) , quiet A/C, better mattress…she obviously sleeps better and is up and running earlier.

Work clothes: I have seen new clothes, including a lace mask and I heard there is a shoes story in progress.
So I assume soon there should be more visible pictures, including inside the room.

English: Still ~zero but there is clearly a willingness to practice some words.

Smile: Still amazing. As somebody I visited yesterday said “Yes, she is a very happy person!” so when going into aerobics after a tiring stressful day, better have a partner with an amazing smile or even laughing.
Then when seeing her face turning and breathing increasing, you know you are probably doing something right (even if they are excellent at acting!) . I just hate the fake mouse-like screaming…but that’s me. Different people different tastes.

About “acting” IN GENERAL, my long time assumption has been that 99% of the cases, there are very good actors
(honestly if they are very good at acting, that’s fine with me. If poor at it, gone)
so on occasions, I had a discussion about it….and got angry reactions….then I was ordered by   to do some “proper due diligence”.
In spite of not willing to believe it, yes, that was not acting. Now I SHUT UP .
=> So, one piece of advice: Never talk (even if you think) about them (top pros of +40Y) “acting / pretending”,
because they might simply NOT BE ACTING….and if it is, what’s the point if she is a regular and very good partner.
One day she might be acting, one day no, but as long as the service I excellent, it is great. Mission accomplished.

My point here is simple, from Bo Bo's changes:
When you visit from time to time one of those, GIVE HER YOUR FEEDACK, YOUR OPINION, YOUR IDEAS on ALL kind of things
in order to provide a better service to YOU. It is SELF-SERVING.
Even Jasmine, pro among pros, has always shown interest in my opinions
(it does not mean she does that but she listens, thinks about it and she decides. )

Recent Ratings
godisdead   15-11-2021 11:31  Karma  +8   Thanks for sharing!
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Post at 12-11-2021 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 HK_Legend's post

Life goes on with Bo Bo, and Jasmine,

Willl post on new little things next week, but in the none Newbie section.
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Post at 18-12-2021 13:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 HK_Legend's post

It seems (will verify this week) that "Sleeping Bunny" Bobo may stay in HK longer.
(she was planning to go back to Shenzhen for few months in dec or jan).

Obviously being in Mimi's room, 5F A2....the most visible door of the floor from the lift (now repared)
and having upgraded a bunch of things here and there
(from her invisible status )
have clearly improved business.

So I just got my Xmas present

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