Subject: Have you ever crossed paths with a WG on the street?
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Post at 19-11-2020 15:34  Profile P.M. 
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Have you ever crossed paths with a WG on the street?

Have you ever by chance cross paths with a WG
That you have punt before ?

What happened?

What is the etiquette to this kind of encounters?

Do you acknowledge her or just walk by?

I’m curious to hear you stories.
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Post at 19-11-2020 17:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Gente30's post

Well, it's only ever happened to me one time (that I know of). She was walking one way and I was walking the other with my then GF. Our eyes met briefly but we both just kept on moving. If I had been alone, I might've stopped and said hi like running into an acquaintance if it was a regular or something. Luckily this was a girl I knew somewhat well and who was cool as a cucumber.

The next time we met, we had a laugh about it. She said "your gf is cute. Bring her next time and we can fuck her together."

It probably helps that I don't punt too close to home.

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Gente30   19-11-2020 20:38  Acceptance  +1   Appreciate the sharing
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Post at 19-11-2020 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Gente30's post

Met an old regular in McDonald's queue.  We chatted.  I got her a burger.

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bohica   27-11-2020 21:50  Acceptance  +5   Don't forget the special sauce...
gwailoplayer   23-11-2020 20:54  Acceptance  +5   Awesome. Next time buy her a sausage
Gente30   19-11-2020 20:39  Acceptance  +1   The least you could have done, a Big Mac for the Lady.
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Post at 19-11-2020 21:06  Profile P.M. 
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Dated one for a while but was always worried about being spotted with her by other punters, especially unknown punters I may have worked with

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Gente30   20-11-2020 15:53  Acceptance  +1   That’s another whole subject I have in the back of my head.
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Post at 20-11-2020 14:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Gente30's post

I was in Chiang Mai in December 2020 on vacation visiting temples, going to the elephant sanctuary, etc. and went to the night market.  For a Saturday night, the night market was too quiet and not a lot going on for a very big night market.  So I wandered off, which I will admit is not always smart alone in a foreign country where you do not speak the native language.  The economy in Thailand was already hit by lower tourists from China even prior to full COVID.  Even the locals bars were dead not just the tourist stops.  I want to check out one of the bars and play Pokemon Go (yes, you can make fun of me and how I need a game to get myself walking).

On the way down a local street (not the brightest lit), I heard some say a friendly "hi" than lightly grabbed by the arm by a ladyboy.  I didn't get all acted up on being touched by surprised. You just don't know what you are dealing with.  I just stay calm and keep my voice steady.  I am not always quick on the uptake on my ladyboy  identification but this woman was clearly so.  Her English was good and wanted to know what I was doing and where I was going.  I just said I am just taking a walk and showed her my Pokemon Go.  She got rather instant and I just politely declined.  No dust up or arguments.  I just smiled and walked away.

There is slightly more to my night walk story but not too exciting for this forum. Although my friends at home continue to be concerned I will be lost somewhere in an country in Asia in the future.  I did find what looked like a "gentleman's bar" from the outside but it was the only open building on the block.  No clear lighting and a ramp down to the door.  I was curious but I was not that curious.

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zeebee   21-11-2020 12:43  Acceptance  +1   so u punted this ladyboy. how was it?
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Post at 21-11-2020 14:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 anabikumi's post

@zeebee,  I did punt the ladyboy.  I just politely worked myself away from her.  I did run into a I should have figured this out was a ladyboy situation but was too late at Nana Plaza back in 2018
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Post at 22-11-2020 11:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 anabikumi's post

@zeebee.  My apologies.  I am writing this late at night and noticed I again typed this incorrectly.  I do NOT punt the ladyboy.  I am sorry for the misunderstanding.
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Post at 22-11-2020 15:38  Profile P.M. 
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But not completely randomly, more like a situation where you purposely stagger leaving the temp hotel room, not expecting to run into each other again but maybe the cab is taking awhile or something. Usually you just ignore and pretend you don’t know each other but one time the effort somehow cracked us both up and if anyone was looking it would have seemed super obvious what had happened.

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Gente30   22-11-2020 17:24  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for sharing!
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Post at 22-11-2020 19:53  Profile P.M. 
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I have crossed paths with a WG once when I was getting off the MTR to my place.  We smiled at each other and continued on our merry ways.

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Gente30   23-11-2020 19:56  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 23-11-2020 16:58  Profile P.M. 
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it depends... if you are a regular with her, chances are she’ll recognise you... and of course the right thing to do is at least greet or acknowledge her, but keep it at that (doing anything extra like buying her a burger is up to you, or maybe even going on an impromptu date if you have lots of time)

otherwise, then best to walk past by and not do anything

it’s a bit obvious if a person on the street is looking at you like he/she has seen you somewhere

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Gente30   23-11-2020 19:55  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 23-11-2020 17:28  Profile P.M. 
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Yes I once came across a WG I've seen regularly at Ikea... while I was shopping with my gf....

I didn't recognize her face at first but recognized the breast size (F cup), we made surprise eye contact but didn't say anything obviously. Was down low hilarious

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Gente30   23-11-2020 19:56  Acceptance  +1   
twiceAweek   23-11-2020 18:13  Acceptance  +1   Di Di ?
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Post at 23-11-2020 18:41  Profile P.M. 
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Saw one Polish one a few years ago, very pretty size 8 and always did cim. She looked haggard. I asked her how is things, she started to drink heavily and looked so tired. She said business was not that good and soon afterwards went back home.   
Shame really as she was good service provider that did not flinch even with my cock size or normal large load in her mouth.   
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Post at 26-11-2020 21:39  Profile P.M. 
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Has anyone ever ran into a maid you banged?

Bros here always talk about maid adventures....I've always wonder what would happen if you run into her while she worked at a friend's home....or found out she worked for someone you knew....that would be hilarious.

[ Last edited by  hkoros at 26-11-2020 21:48 ]
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Post at 27-11-2020 15:14  Profile P.M. 
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hkoros what would be legendary is if you then banged her in your friend's house. That would be an epic story

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gwailoplayer   30-11-2020 21:36  Acceptance  +3   even more epic, your spouse interviews her to work in your house
hkoros   29-11-2020 16:45  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 27-11-2020 18:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 hkoros's post

Actually yes, almost! I met a DH on Tinder, and we chatted... then we started exchanging pictures, and escalated to full-on cybersex with photos and videos. We never met in person though, and after a few weeks, we moved on and stopped chatting.

Months later a friend invited my girlfriend and I to dinner at his home, with his wife in attendance too. Their DH - allegedly a brilliant cook - was to provide the meal. He introduced her by name (a fairly common Indonesian name) and I thought "how amusing, that name is familiar" and then she walked out of the kitchen and we exchanged a *look*... and then had to be formally polite strangers for the rest of the day. It was FREAKY.

We never met or communicated again after that, and she left my friend's employment (for a non-related reason) a few months later.

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HKGPeter   3-12-2020 23:38  Acceptance  +2   Hilarious. What are the odds!
arandom   1-12-2020 10:08  Acceptance  +4   That is hilarious! And yes, I can imagine you'd be shitting bricks that whole night!
d4ve88   30-11-2020 00:41  Acceptance  +5   Brilliant..!
hkoros   29-11-2020 16:46  Acceptance  +1   Omg, I would be sweating bullets, LOL
ramont   28-11-2020 20:27  Acceptance  +8   Crazy. Thanks for sharing
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Post at 28-11-2020 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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The DH scene is a fun minefield. Regularly bump into conquests with my present of previous DH girlfriend. Not had one yet that has come up and blown the cover.

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BrownNuts   29-11-2020 10:59  Acceptance  +1   where do you take the DH? I can't imagine getting different ones home all the time. Where do you go? Hourly hotels?
HelloLadies   28-11-2020 15:20  Acceptance  +1   There number one reason I've never done DH
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Post at 30-11-2020 14:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Cruising at 28-11-2020 10:52
The DH scene is a fun minefield. Regularly bump into conquests with my present of previous DH girlfriend. Not had one yet that has come up and blown the cover.

Plenty of good choices and if on the Island Hotel Victoria Tin Hau is so close to the MTR, a patch above the rest, including its Wan Chai sister and most importantly suitably out of the way, assuming you don’t live around CWB HA HA.

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