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Post at 28-2-2011 18:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #920 SEAJ's post

I seem to recall that in terms of reports but not sure if it was going to happen with general topics.

Reply #917 This_Is_My_Vice's post

I tend to agree Bro, it's a balance though... we advocate members RTFF when looking for info and if they find it and comment the result can sometimes be bringing an old thread back to life. Having said that, it is sometimes frustrating when I come across a thread that looks like an interesting juicy topic, I begin my reply only to have to put the brakes on when I realise the question was asked in 2008.

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 28-2-2011 18:38 ]
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Post at 28-2-2011 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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I went for a oil massage at chung kee foot massage on maoming/weihei lu in Shanghai the other week.  Got number 9, pretty good looking girl, during oil massage she asked if I wanted to try a prostate massage as I was lying face down, i never tried so i was like " okay ".  Then the PROBLEM happened, she put some oil near the ass and then all of a sudden I think she dropped some spit near the area and proceeded to insert her finger.  I was like WTF, i've become a bit of a germaphobe with working girls, I did NOT like exchanging fluids with her, wtf!  This is part of the reason I haven't posted my reports lately, been bugging out a bit about this situation.  

Now a friend was in town the other day and wanted to get a happy ending massage, he asked that I take him, so we went to the same place.  Just out of curiosity I asked if #9 is working and they said she quit!  Now that got my mind going, should I go get a friggin std test?  I actually went to the clinic today and asked for the hiv dna test which should be accurate just after 2 weeks, but they now longer offer that test at the clinic.  

For those that know me a lil bit on this site, I don't do bbbj's or condom full sex with the girls no more due to slight germaphobia!

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doghead   1-3-2011 17:37  Acceptance  +1   Did she spit when she gave u bbbj too?
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Post at 28-2-2011 21:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #919 paladin310's post

I brought such a thread to a mod's attention, and was ignored. I tend to agree with you, to revive a thread that is more or less exhausted,, there had better be a pretty good reason. But...the mods may have more insight to this than I.

When you say you brought it to a Mod's attention - how did you do it exactly?

By PM, by just a general post following such an occurrence, by the "report" function at the bottom of each post and if you checked off both moderator as well as super moderator etc?

Fact is, I'm also wondering how is it that anybody could get a definite reply from a Mod about anything?  I'm sure that they've got lots to do and cannot reply to each and every question - but if it is something important/relevant to the well being to the forum - how DOES one get a reply?

Every once a while I read a post somewhere on the forum asking the Mod a question which dos not get replied to - for obviously, we can NOT expect a Mod to read each and every post on the forum.  Anyone know the answer?

Would be great if a Mod happens to read this and reply for us all to learn!!

Hey, perhaps we should request for a thread entitled something like "Ask the Mod team about forum affairs" or something like that.
The seniors have the "Discussion thread for Seniors" to ask questions but how about just a regular member below KK status?
Reply #922 scootermonger's post

Only coz you're asking for opinion.

I ain't medically qualified at all but IMHO, you shouldn't have anything to worry about - especially about HIV as the chance of transmission by saliva is very very low - even with actual kissing, unless there is open wounds and expsoure to blood.

As for other STD's, well, unless you have physical symptoms, I'd think an actual STD test would be over-kill.

OTOH, if it makes you feel better/surer - why not?


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 28-2-2011 21:39 ]


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Post at 28-2-2011 21:54  Profile Blog P.M. 
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some good thoughts as usual, gents

hmmm...i don't know what to do about older threads or how to get Mods' attention. but i think these are important points. possibly important enough to be discussed on Forum Affairs, tho i'm pretty new here, so can't say for sure.

i share TT's frustration with finding an interesting topic, only to check the date and realize it's well past its sell-by date. considering how FAST things move in HK (i read reports on an HG that end with "she's going back in 2 days"....yeah well there goes that, considering that the few hours i have are all in prime time and she's likely booked solid, meaning my best outcome wd be a reasonable B&S), that means even reports a few weeks old might be expired. yet, this IS the collected wisdom of on-the-ground amateur reporters, and shd be archived so any member can RTFF and glean info. as we all know, mongering is far from an exact science--information is essential, that's why we share it.

also, while we do want to encourage newbies, there IS a report template and while i sometimes use it/sometimes not, i try to put enough info in reports so readers can learn something. lately i've been treading the nostalgia-trail: it's fun and i'm glad some folks have enjoyed, but it's time for me to get out there and mess up some more.

but when i do, i will POST. there have been some newbies who are trying to get to a certain RA just so they can see the pix. often they give minimal info, just a couple of pix, but at least they're likely out there punting. some guys really seem to be teenagers who stumbled across this board or ppl who never plan to visit HK, but want those pix: some have even said they plan to stop posting after hitting RA30, or rail against members for giving them a single negative K. it seems clear to me when someone's not in the spirit of sharing, and in this respect, the concept of KARMA-points is entirely apt.

not all of us have lives that allow us to sample three HGs a week and write leisurely reports (not to mention the fotos, if allowed), so we do what we can. but i think it's a good idea to think of this board as a "garden": sometimes it blooms, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes there's weeds (spam, if u spot obvious spam, report to mod ASAP), and sometimes we get these fledgling flowers that we really don't know about. we need to tend our garden. give ppl the benefit of the doubt, but if they continue to be aggressive/refuse to post/post junk-URLs or a bunch ofone-liners, or dredge up old threads just trying to get an RA rating, i don't see that as being in the spirit of the board. i've seen questionable newbies queried and i've been queried myself, and glad for it--it means there are ppl reading who CARE about the info this board provides. i for one find it both entertaining and useful.

i've rambled on enough, but i think the idea is to post, reply, and just watch out for each other. and post random pix of female loveliness.

and in the spirit of the latter, i've posted a pic here of Veronica, a dame waiting in the wings for her story to be brazen, naughty lass with a razor-wicked sense of humor and a keen sense of her own specific sexual needs. i'm also putting RA50 on it as it seems to be getting easy to hit RA30 these days, and if guys are just going to declare that this is their sole goal, they don't deserve even this mysterious, non-nude shot of Veronique, strapping up her footgear...

OK, so how many of u were squinting at her knickers and what color are they?!?                 


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 28-2-2011 21:57 ]

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SkinnyForum   2-3-2011 11:05  Acceptance  +1   I was staring at them legs... mmmm.
captaincaveman   2-3-2011 06:30  Acceptance  +1   magenta
captaincaveman   2-3-2011 06:30  Karma  +1   magenta
paladin310   1-3-2011 15:42  Acceptance  +1   preaching to the choir, my man...
SEAJ   28-2-2011 22:14  Karma  +1   We're all a-bloomin' here! LOL!
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Post at 28-2-2011 23:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #922 scootermonger's post

I dont think you have anything to worry about bro!

Like SEAJ says - you cannot really catch anything like that, chances are probably less than 1%

Maybe the sight of your arse caused her to quit?!?! hehehe

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SEAJ   28-2-2011 23:42  Karma  +1   Wots de story behind ur WOW avatar?

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Post at 28-2-2011 23:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #915 This_Is_My_Vice's post

FYI, I did raise the concern with a certain newbie this afternoon, and he kindly PM'ed me with a satisfactory reply to refrain from bumping old threads, esp. those that haven't been touched in months

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JackTheBat   1-3-2011 01:08  Karma  +1   good job angst, thx
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Post at 28-2-2011 23:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #926 angst's post

As you know (and to tell others) I am raising these points up on the seniors threads and am now awaiting more replies/POV's - at which time I will C+P the replies etc. (presuming I get their permission of course)


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JackTheBat   1-3-2011 01:09  Acceptance  +3   thx SEAJ, keep us posted


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Post at 1-3-2011 10:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #923 SEAJ's post

My Avatar SEAJ?

Is the beautiful Jarah Mariano - I think she has the dirty innocent look? ... p;aql=&oq=jarah

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SEAJ   1-3-2011 16:01  Karma  +1   TKS! Looked thru the gallery I did! LOL

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 1-3-2011 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you!

Thank you gentlemen who share my sentiments on newbies digging up old threads, and thank you those who took action!  I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way!

Reply  #922 scootermonger's post
If you don't even get BBBJ or CFS (WTF?! only CBJ for you?), I'm surprised you'd let the girl give you a prostate massage.  She's fucking penetrating your asshole for goodness sake!  I wholeheartedly recommend you get checked out if it will make you feel better.  And here's hoping everything checks out negative!

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SEAJ   1-3-2011 16:01  Karma  +1   Stiil awaiting more input fm Snrs' thre
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Post at 1-3-2011 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #920 SEAJ's post

Although I have had the occasional disagreement/misunderstanding with a mod or two here, let me say they do an outstanding job overall.

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JackTheBat   2-3-2011 01:24  Acceptance  +3   def agree with p310 here
SEAJ   1-3-2011 16:00  Karma  +1   Hear Hear! Precisely my sentiment!
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Post at 1-3-2011 16:39  Profile P.M. 
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Having a bad week!!!

I have given myself a flyer today! Do you Bro's remember me saying my boss screwed me over & buggered off to Thailand?

Anywayz he was back today but give himself a flyer as he was 'Hungover' TWAT!

I am in the process of starting up company (touch wood) - I have been informing my boss about it as I will actually still be working for him part-time for the 1st few months. I had a dreadful meeting yesterday with a useless potential supplier! I think they need to re-do their advertisement because they are full of shit when they state they "Speak fluent English"

This meeting went on for hours & hours! I got home around 9:30pm to find out my electric had gone off AGAIN! - Only lived in the apartment for 4 weeks!

ALSO - my parents are staying with my for 2 months!!!!!!!! ENOUGH SAID ABOUT THAT!

So my boss comes in at lunch today - we have bee discussing finding a smaller office as we do not need all of the room we have. So as we are discussing our price range etc - the ceiling COLLAPSES!!! Right on top of me, my desk & my computer - knock my fried rice & ice tea EVERYWHERE! I was fecking soaking! My boss didnt get touched - my computer is wrecked!

Omen or what?

Turns out their sink was leaking upstairs!

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paladin310   2-3-2011 15:36  Acceptance  +1   Some days, it's the Universe.
SkinnyForum   2-3-2011 11:08  Acceptance  +1   :D
feliphile   2-3-2011 00:07  Karma  +2   ouch
JackTheBat   1-3-2011 21:51  Karma  +2   holy GOATSHIT that's a lousy day
scootermonger   1-3-2011 20:01  Karma  +2   mierda
SEAJ   1-3-2011 18:16  Karma  +2   LOL! Sympathies! LOL!

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 1-3-2011 23:51  Profile P.M. 
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I just went thru all the Ki Ki reports, man, I realllly regret not seeing her when I was in HK recently.  I am a sucker for a lovely milf with lovely tits.  I hope she stays in the game for a couple more months.
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Post at 2-3-2011 01:22  Profile Blog P.M. 
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for Petay_1283

oh man. i've had some tough days, but never had the ceiling LITERALLY fall in on me. the fact that it fucked up yr computer AND yr food, yet left yr boss, who granted u the privilege of his company by returning from Bangkok, untouched, is ironic...but not the sort that can really be appreciated.

however, karma does work beyond just slipping a coupla points yr way. u posted the link to Ms Mariano's work, and while i'm not as fond of commercial cheesecake as i used to be, she is a rare specimen. u get the feeling u could lightly butter any part of her anatomy, break a raw egg on it and the thing would just FRY. damn.

so i found another link buried in that gallery, check it, hope it helps u forget today and remember that tmrw starts ANEW: ... 1920x1200_39513.htm

BTW, "fluent English" often is anything but. best to get a Cantospeaker as "fixer" if u have to rely on someone as supplier in an ongoing biz relationship. it may cost u a few bucks, but they will know what level of service is expected, and yr suppliers will know that YOU know--they will also feel more comfortable. for biz in HK u cannot beat Cantofluency and quick mobilephone convos--doesn't matter what it says on the paper. find a fixer. if it's a small thing (managed to get my shower fixed this wknd by a great local guy), OK, muddle through. but for ppl who u rely on, make them comfortable. if they have a real problem, then they will hopefully TELL yr fixer what the deal is, and what a realistic timeframe for the solution is--HKers are practical and reasonable, but many are not comfortable discussing difficult subjects in other than Cantonese, IMHO. ask around, u can find someone who'll help u out.

and look at it this way: things can't get MUCH worse, so they gotta get better, right? send yr parents to Macau!!         


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Petay_1283   2-3-2011 15:03  Acceptance  +1   Lmao Thanks!
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Post at 2-3-2011 12:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #933 JackTheBat's post

I totally agree about hiring a Cantospeaker as a 'fixer' because it is damn near impossible to find a fluent English speaker to be a fixer/assistant. In this town fluent English speakers do only the following jobs; 99% work with well-known multinational / large local company (high pay and everyone speaks English - too expensive for you) and 1% are self-employed (great for trading biz tips / stories).

Looking for a low-level staff who is an fluent English speaker can be only had for months at a time when you get a chance to hire either a college-age son/daughter, of friend/family, who is back for the summer or getting someone who just arrived at HK and will leave once they get an offer from a brand-name company.
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Post at 2-3-2011 14:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #929 This_Is_My_Vice's post

Further to the questons asked above - please note the question I posted up in the Senior Discussion forum and the following replies from 2 Mods

Got a couple questions which arose from the idle chat thread
1. What should members do when they see an old thread being bumped up?
- And if the bump actually adds to/new info on the topic which was discussed while ago - is this OK?  
- Seeing as we DO encourage newbies to do some reading up of old threads, thus perhaps understandable for newbies to post on them quite innocently?
- BTW - are you MOds still closing off Hong Kong reports after a period of time - and are you guys also closing off all other dated threads?

2. For us seniors, we can ask questions here and can pretty well be sure of getting a reply from a Mod - but how does a regular member (under KK status) ask a question to the Mod team?  
- By PM? By reporting a post? By asking a question as a post/remark and reporting himself? By posting up a new thread?
- Any chance of having a "Ask the Mod team a question on forum affairs" thread or something like that?


Ps. hmmm - guess more than a couple questions huh?

Cunninglingus -
With regards bringing up of old threads, I've never had an issue with that provided the question is valid or the comment is in context and useful or adds well. I know some people don't like to see old threads brought back up, but the question that needs to be asked (before trigger happy bros hit the negs) is what constitutes "old". If it's relevant, it's never too old imo.

I like the "Ask a Mod" idea, but not in the form of a long-running thread as per your idle chat thread. Perhaps just begin a post with something along the lines of "Dear Mods"? Simple, no?

Twice a Week:
If the reply to an old thread is irrelevant and or one liner sometimes they are deleted to preserve the time line, if they are relevant then they can continue .... judgement call by the mod
and sometimes they are missed ...

If any bros, including Newbies, wants to ask questions or make suggestions about this forum they can start a thread in this section ... this Forum affairs sections is open to all registered members.

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 2-3-2011 14:28 ]


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Post at 2-3-2011 17:59  Profile P.M. 
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Moving right along - I've just stumbled back on THE report I think/IMHO sets a very high standard for our forum:

mister_sunny's report on Guns n Roses.

Even though its an old report, you guys still gotta check it out: ... ht=Guns%2Bn%2BRoses


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feliphile   2-3-2011 21:54  Acceptance  +2   sweet child of his, indeed
feliphile   2-3-2011 21:54  Karma  +2   sweet child of his, indeed


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Post at 2-3-2011 21:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #936 SEAJ's post

That's a report written with whole brained thinking skills. Chronology, vital information, details, the how (to fuck), the where (they fucked), and the feelings (before and after the fuck)! Real Pix and illustrations to leave room for imagination to run wild too...

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SEAJ   2-3-2011 22:21  Karma  +1   YUP!!!!
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Post at 2-3-2011 22:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #934 doghead's post

Actually I personally find that general English proficiency in Hong Kong has declined a lot during the past 15, 20 or so years.  

Previous to the 1990's, most people thought that English proficiency was the key to success in whatever profession one chooses. The emergence of China as an economic force and that so much business activity in Hong Kong now relies on the Motherland has shifted thinking, and now most here would rather concentrate on Putonghua proficiency.

The school system here in Hong Kong has of course also NOT been good for English - and its only just recently that there has been a U-turn on Native language teaching. Another factor is of course just the general quality of teachers in Hong Kong.

Yes, there are of course very good teachers here - but the local " teacher training institution" does NOT nurture the best candidates.  Starting with Northcote College in  the early 1980's, the HongKong government had actually been PAYING high school graduates to go to teacher training colleges.  The government's reasoning had been that they wanted to make it easier for those who wanted to become teachers to get the necessary education to achieve this ambition.

But of course what happened was that it was ONLY the worst candidates - who could NOT go to better Universities (whether local or overseas), or those who could not land any jobs after finishing high school - had been practically the only ones who would go to these teacher training colleges; after all, they were actually being PAID to go to them!

If you notice, you will find that Older citizens of Hong Kong are more English proficient vs. younger people here. Real pity me-thinks.


Edit Ps. Our JacktheBat has just done the legendary Gaile with LOTS of absolutely fabulous pictures (but RA 50 though, sorry newbies!) ... mp;page=1#pid328306

[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 2-3-2011 23:30 ]

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JackTheBat   3-3-2011 01:10  Acceptance  +3   English level HAS declined, most agree
scootermonger   2-3-2011 23:13  Karma  +2   agreeed


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Post at 2-3-2011 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #938 SEAJ's post

I agree. Because of the general decline of English fluency in HK, anyone with decent fluency will not be working at a small start-up like Petay_1283 as that person knows he/she can get much higher salary working at a well-known branded company.

I found that most HK locals (uni educated or high school educated) who at least 45 yo are the only ones who can speak English fluently. Like you said, English proficiency was necessary to rise up the social ladder. They would prefer to listen to Western pop songs, watch Western movies, and read English novels/books. I have met old taxi drivers/old waiters who speak English better than many of the young HK professionals. As the years go by, I see more and more misspellings on signs and advertising that it seems so sad and amusing at the same time.

Used to be before Handover, Mandarin speakers were looked down upon and English speakers praised. I knew Taiwanese who cannot stand HK back then because of the bad attitudes they got from retail staff, etc as locals thought they were from the mainland. Now it has turned 180 deg, Mandarin is preferred, even though most locals still look down on mainlanders, they suck it up so they can make money off the mainlanders.

[ Last edited by  doghead at 2-3-2011 23:58 ]

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disktroyer   3-3-2011 03:32  Acceptance  +1   Good observation!
SEAJ   3-3-2011 01:01  Karma  +1   Agree 100%!
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Post at 3-3-2011 00:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #939 doghead's post

sadly speaking. English isn't appreciated that much anymore. i'm in a rather big company but then nobody in my department except for the boss can hold a conference call properly. i mean its supposed to be an international firm. the english of the managers even suck.

god. i cant believe i'm at such a sucky place but heck that;s a whole new story on its own... culture shock i say. i've been working abroad since i graduated and coming back to HK is currently an eye opening experience so far.

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SEAJ   3-3-2011 01:00  Karma  +1   Sympathies+Welcome to our thread.

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