Subject: Sulasno !!!!!!!!!!!
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Post at 13-1-2008 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sulasno at 13-1-2008 21:55
anyone is free to disagree with me; use reasons and not nonsense;

People may see them as nonsense if they are not willing to accept their wrong.
They respond with nonsense when they realise they are wrong and unwilling to accept it...
...and finally ban....the ultimate pleasure of power.

there are 2 coins to side; while I am willing to listen, many don't;

"there are 2 coins to side" - is this a Thai saying translated into English ?
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Post at 14-1-2008 02:10  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 12-1-2008 02:33
southernpod - please do not use the manner of your language in this forum again.
If you wish to challange another brother in this forum do so with some decorum.

Forum rage is not something members wa ...

sorry to everones ears i offended
i have seen far wore words in the board
but if my using them oftended you i am sorry
it was the only time i will use the bad words here

again sorry to any brothers ears i burned with the language
normally is hard to rile me
takes more than one push

you can poke me in tha eye and normally i will jsut say stop
but when someone pulls it out and beings chewing or the cord i dont focus on politeness after that

but this is an open forum
so i will not use that language again

thanks for expressing your concern in a polite way
belive me when i say i deleted quiet a bit before hitting the send button
on the original

[ Last edited by  southernpod at 13-1-2008 13:31 ]
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Post at 14-1-2008 02:17  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Reply #31 hunter's post

i agree
sometimes we need to express our feelings
but i also agree we have to obey the rules
both the written and the unwritten
but that goes for both sides
brothers and mods
i got no problems with anyone here
UNLESS they take it unpon them self to create one
i never start anything
but sure wont tuck and run from any that are tossed at me
just not my style
i will treat any and eveone here as family
untill and unless they give reason for me not too
in my post just prior to the harsh words
should show that
i even said i can learn to befriend anyone
then got slaped in the face again right after
not why i joined the forum
i give back what i get
i begin with respect and expect it back
just as you other guys do
so i agree with everyone
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Post at 14-1-2008 02:24  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by nikkeimaster at 12-1-2008 03:46
I just have one question and one suggestion. The question: where in Tokyo did you buy the apartment and where is your mongering grounds in Tokyo?  The suggestion: since you are so loaded, you can show ...

sorry bro
about the outburst
you will see in time how hard it is to p*ss me off
but i never run when challenged

in business its not hard to let the business spend money on things
when you need a good tax deduction
but my CPA and Financial advisor cant find a deduction for pussy
maybe i need to find a new CPA/Financial advisor

treating is not out of the question now and then
even the guy that likes to provoke me can come and i will buy him a drink and treat him as family
if he prosmises only to poke my eye gentle and not chew on the cord next time

[ Last edited by  southernpod at 13-1-2008 13:34 ]
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Post at 14-1-2008 09:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #64 southernpod's post

Assuming you are using a Company you should be able to deduct it as entertainment.
You would need receipts as proof so maybe goto the upper end establishments.
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 14-1-2008 14:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #62 southernpod's post

Don't worry about it bro. I always remember when my mother got upset she'd say ... "that so-and-so could even make a saint swear".     
But I never did hear my mother swear. I swore once in front of my mother and my father slapped me so hard across the face, he knocked me
off my chair. I never made that mistake again.   .

Just move on bro - if somebody annoys you, try to ignore them. But I agree with you - never back down. It just makes the bullies stronger.    
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Post at 14-1-2008 19:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #64 southernpod's post

I am sorry, but you didn't answer my question. I live and work in Tokyo, so I am curious where your hangout is. I tour the usual Shimbashi and Ginza area. I have also had the experience of keeping house for a lady-of-choice in the city. I am sure you know that getting tax deduction with mongering in Tokyo is no problem. (I really have to question your validity if you truly do not have an accountant who tells you this.  As a matter of fact, if you are a regular player in Tokyo you should know the answer to this one with ease.) There are many brothers here who can have a lifestyle that is quite nice, but very few of them flaunts it. (because they are truly gentlemen in every sense of the word) I always think that someone so blessed financially, should easily be willing to share it with others who are less well-off. Not a handout, but a happy sharing. Again, I am not here to challenge any brother but to have some fun. Hope you will enjoy it in the same spirit.
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Post at 14-1-2008 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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I know it is difficult to let things go when you have something invested in it. However, we don't need to lash out at each other. Going to the admin. is NOT running for cover or complaining to "mama". He has the last word on disputes. Going there is to get clarification about the rules of the forum. There are many legal issues involved with the survival of this forum. I, for one, will not be as bold to say that I know it all. I don't want to be the one killing this forum because I "accidentally" done something wrong without even knowing it. Let's try not to take things personally here. (thus, let's not have any personal attacks) Argument about the issues and expressing viewpoints should be welcomed and encouraged here.
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Post at 14-1-2008 23:13  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by moebee at 13-1-2008 20:40
Assuming you are using a Company you should be able to deduct it as entertainment.
You would need receipts as proof so maybe goto the upper end establishments.

sorry guys i was trying to be funny
i know about entertainment

i was being crass

saying there was literally not an entry for PUSSY
not entertainment

guess that jok is funnier in person over a beer
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Post at 14-1-2008 23:22  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by nikkeimaster at 14-1-2008 06:22
I am sorry, but you didn't answer my question. I live and work in Tokyo, so I am curious where your hangout is. I tour the usual Shimbashi and Ginza area. I have also had the experience of keeping hou ...

sorry dont want to post my address in public on a pussy website!
not so good for buiness if everyone know all about me
just say its a corperate condo
for my use primarily
i am not in Japan more than 3 weeks out of the year so i dont know so much about the scene there as you i am certain
i will never bullshit you or lie to you
when i dont know something i dont fear to admit it and ask
so some times i let people we do business with stay there
in all i have only been to the condo 4 times in 6 years
good for guangxi and more to let people i do business with use it though
just as i have a home in Augusta Georgia
we have a few such properties in some cities that worked out to be good write offs and a double use for business and ocational mongering when i retire or just an investment for the future
my bank there can get me tickets to the masters gold any year i want
i dont go that often but when i do its to take an important business contact there
so he can say he got in

I tried golf once
but i could not get past the windmill so i gave it up

as to helping we give a great deal away each year
but only to charities that help children

we are thinking of making our own charity to be sure the moeny is handeled properly
want all of if not some of it to go to the kids
not some crooked admin

another poor attempt at humor
i am much more funny when drunk

[ Last edited by  southernpod at 14-1-2008 10:28 ]
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Post at 14-1-2008 23:33  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by nikkeimaster at 14-1-2008 06:38
I know it is difficult to let things go when you have something invested in it. However, we don't need to lash out at each other. Going to the admin. is NOT running for cover or complaining to "m ...

i fight my own battles
but wont be bullied ny anyone with a little power
having a gun does not mean you have to use the gun or show it to everyone
but making sure people know your not a moma's boy or a push over up front reduces the number of times you have to address things in the future

but making sure you oponents know your well armed and prepared for any battle is the best deterant
without waiving it around

so dont overthink the statement

i did not say i would do anything to CLOSE the board
but i would go right to the top if needed to go that far to resolve a situation
i think that being said
no one wil have to go that far even if able and ready to do so

but there are others that will go right for the throat from the begining
i am not one of them and dont want to see it happen
so NO ONE should attack ANYONE here or pick a fight when you dont know who your dealing with
it was meant as a wake up call
not a threat
i have been member on other boards that got canned becasue a few people were too agressive and too ...........

i like this place
you guys
the data sharing
the feeling of sharing and bonding over a warm camp fire of wet pussy
oh sorry
mind wondered off there

you get the idea

[ Last edited by  southernpod at 14-1-2008 10:52 ]
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Post at 15-1-2008 17:30  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 13-1-2008 20:21
Oh.....more than 20 they must be stayin silence and chinese saying "borrow sword to kill person"........
Nevertheless.......that's what make this forum a fun place to ...

Well I am not staying silent. I PM'd my support to Jake and have to agree that I do not think Sulasno's actions regarding banning or his comments in some threads are appropriate for a Mod.
However in my opinion the biggest loss of face for him was to resign and then be reinstated a few days later. That truely is pathetic.

Is it any wonder people did not PM you with their concerns? Those who disagree with Sulasno and his Shoeshine boy tend get banned.
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Post at 15-1-2008 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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Can we delete this thread already? I'm so sick of hearing all this bullshit drama.
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 15-1-2008 18:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #73 English's post

Talking about deleting threads; what's happened to the ... "Why Marsupial Was Banned" thread. Seems to have
been deleted.     Now isn't that the thread where our great leader promised to resign and never return.
Well, I suppose if you delete the thread, that means it never happened - right?      Hmmm

Just asking - why has the thread been removed from the forum? I mean, stopping a thread is one thing, but to delete
it completely, like it never happened, that's something else.    
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Post at 15-1-2008 18:46  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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I thought this was like TV
change the channel if you dont like the programming
if it interest you join in
if not turn to another program

i see locations that say discuss anything you want HERE on this portion
then see alot of complaints when someone don't like whats begin said

if the topics bother or bore you
go read another

not need to stick here on this thread or any other and get worked up / unless that thread is an attack on one of you specificly

there are many threads i dont care for
but i do the easy thing
i go to another
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Post at 15-1-2008 19:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #73 English's post

Hear Hear !!!
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Post at 15-1-2008 22:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #73 English's post

Need not be deleted but should be closed, this thread has run its course.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 15-1-2008 22:43  Profile P.M. 
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No dun delete first.......RAMJET start to piss me off now!!!!!!!!!!! want battle I give you WAR !!!!!!!

Yeah in your FACE.......Bugger off!!!!!

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Post at 15-1-2008 22:58  Profile P.M. 
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To all Bros.........I truly respect and proud of Chinese literatures and its history.

There was a saying which we all should apply all the time:

Direct Translation to English:

"If you don't open your mouth or if you don't say anything, Nobody will think you are a MUTE"

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 15-1-2008 23:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #78 hunter's post

Calm down Hunter, no need to over react with just a statement from a newbie.

I always respect comments from newbies as long as they start to make contributions
in this forum. However, I do not respect newbies who registered months ago,
withour making contributions and yet comes out with all encompassing statements
about other members of this forum.
Whether his statement is true or not, makes sense or not, they do not have much creditability

I may be wrong, but it's these type of posts that makes me wonder if they are actually members
here under a different name.

I still believe this thread has gone past its due date and should be closed (not deleted)
mods of this forum - up to you.

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