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Post at 3-2-2011 07:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #664 JackTheBat's post

Are you ever going to tell us her Nationality of the mystery girl?  I bet we could find a lookalike in CP go to mayflower and somewhere you'll find one of the 500 resembling your mystery girl.  Boy last time they had fat, thin, tall short, ugly pretty the whole spectrum of girls.

Apparently alot of girls didn't go back, but there are also very limitied customers.  Fuhao girls saying no customers and girls are bailing on work cause no money.
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Post at 3-2-2011 12:33  Profile P.M. 
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Just another question

Whats the difference between a $700 super fine hotel WG and a $1200 super fine hotel WG besides greed? Time? Quality? Extras?

[ Last edited by  JJJ37 at 3-2-2011 12:37 ]

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SEAJ   3-2-2011 14:50  Karma  +1   Welcome to our thread. Good qstn!
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Post at 3-2-2011 12:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #722 JJJ37's post

Biggest difference is nationality - 800 (mainland china), 1200 (korean/mongolian). I've had both, and I preferred the 800 one.

Added note: you just changed your question, but same thing applies.

[ Last edited by  Thai-delight at 3-2-2011 12:42 ]

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JJJ37   4-2-2011 04:40  Acceptance  +1   thanks
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Post at 3-2-2011 12:46  Profile Blog P.M. 
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you got it, freepeaks

thanks for asking, and THANKS for guessing! i like to do little contests like this, but they don't seem popular...ah well.

SEAJ got it right within a few hours, which amazed me. i thought your guess of "Burmese" was clever. she doesn't really correspond to a certain phenotype, which is why i thought she'd be perfect for this.

yes, she's Cambodian. this is an old picture: there used to be a place called Chuk Tep Street in Phnom Penh where you could go and chat with WGs hanging out looking for biz. some were AMAZINGLY gorgeous, but not all would go with foreigners. if they didn't run away and spoke some English, generally they were interested in u. u'd agree on a price (even back then they'd give silly numbers), hop on the back of a moto and head off to your hotel.

in the first pic, i think she looks Vietnamese--but the elaborate eye-makeup was a hallmark of the Chuk Tep gals. in the second foto, assuming you were LOOKING at her face and not staring at her cooter, LOL--she looks like she was carved on one of the temples at Angkor. that to me is the giveaway.

all that said, she may have come from Kampuchea Krom (i didn't ask as i didn't know what KK was at that time). when the ancient kingdoms were carved into "nations" the tribal lines weren't always clear. KK is a part of VN that traditionally was Khmer. today u still have border disputes and gals who refer to themselves as "Kampuchea Krom."

she was a lovely gal, but like almost all KR girls of that time (and many today), no BJ of any kind.

those Chuk Tep ladies weren't consistent, but they were often stunning. soon after that i got on the VN bandwagon, and still haven't gotten off!

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Post at 3-2-2011 12:47  Profile P.M. 
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For example models can be 1000 at one place (mayflower, fuhao), 1200 (bandao) and 2500 at another with similar quality.  Eurasia models aren't particularly good looking but get 500/1500/2000 because of the location (hotel).  DiHao has very good quality for models and high prices (2500 ON?), the KTV is also in a 5 star hotel and expensive compared to others.  I didn't think the quality of the 'average' girls was any better than anywhere else but was there on a Sunday the worst day for KTVs (well maybe Monday is the worst day).

The 'level' of models also varies with height, looks, weight, body.  Sometimes the models are super cool and sometimes lame just like any other girls.  if you wany fresher girls look for regular girls as models usually have to work at least 5 days a week (no pop ins) and regular girls can be just as tall and hot.
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Post at 3-2-2011 12:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #725 freepeaks's post

Congrats on reaching KinkyKing!!!
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 3-2-2011 13:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #716 captaincaveman's post

Thanks!   I am ever so glad that nobody got injured. It could have been lots worse as I saw one of the cars - which was speeding - actually going airborne for a while.  If it had flipped over at that speed....well.....I'd hate to see what would have happened.  And for that I am VERY grateful and am counting my lucky stars - for indeed, when I think about it, my lucky stars and the Guy Up There MUST still be looking after me.

Hey TD.... ooooohhhh.... I you too!! When are we gonna get together again sweetie?  ROFLMFAO!

Freepeaks - Naughty!  Naughty boy!! You're also NOT consolidating! Behave!!! And if you DO behave, I'll let you play with SEA Junior!  LOL
And no - just 100 to the mommie and 200 to the gal if I do only do her once. Total=300
If OTOH I DO connect with her and keep her O/N, then she gets the whole 400 (total 500 for O/N) and she would usually NOT tell the mommie that she O/N with me (as it would be too late to go back to the BBS) and she'd keep the whole 400 without having to rebate anything back to the Mommie for the O/N fees.

Rico Rico Rico - you don't have to be apologetic doing what COMES naturally to you!! Fact is, I'm practically amazed that you had NOT done more and earlier!!  So spam away - only don't blame me if Bad Ole TD gets on your case and start negging you!  He's the Hardy to my Stan Laurel - doing all the nasties whilst I merrily appear angelic!
////// I got it right huh?  And what's this thing about "within hours??!!  I got it within 9 minutes!  LOL!
Just a lucky guess honestly... but....So....... what's the prize??  LOL!!

Reply #725 freepeaks's posterrrr.... I think jjj37 was asking about the Hong Kong Hotel gals - but never mind! LOL
Has anybody here besides Kaka (I think) had the "Barbie" class Girl at the Crown Prince.  You know, the RMB 10,000 per pop ones?

OK you Factory owner and Government official members here - please report back to us if indeed the pussy was sweeter smelling, the pendulous boobs more bouncy, the BBBJ totally deep throat and are they worth every single pennny?!

And talkin' 'bout Freepeaks - he's got a new thread up, entitled "random question" which makes it seems as if it's just an innocuous question - but I wonder, I REALLY wonder .... is it as innocuous as he's trying to make it appear?  so "Daddy" Freepeaks -whaddya say?? LOL! ... 7416&highlight=

Thanks Y'all!


[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 4-2-2011 20:57 ]


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Post at 3-2-2011 13:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #727 SEAJ's post

Actually Rico's post left me scratching my head. As we all know you're a swede, not a kiwi. He must have confused you with someone else.   Yes, we can meet up again. But no candles this time. And definitely no guy playing the violin.  You're a true cocksman and a born romantic, even with your mates, but things became a bit awkward with all those unwanted stares.

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SEAJ   3-2-2011 14:59  Acceptance  +1   Appropriate! Rico's scratchin his balls
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Post at 3-2-2011 19:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #728 Thai-delight's post

No candles, no violinist ....... and no flower bouquets.

What about men's cologne uuuuh?
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Post at 3-2-2011 19:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #709 SEAJ's post

SEAJ the second picture looked like she was impaled with a metal rod. What torture! Just kidding.
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Post at 3-2-2011 19:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #725 freepeaks's post

freepeak a big word of congratulation. I am still learning to spell the word correctly.

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:53  Karma  +1   Remember-word-"CONSOLIDATE!" LOL!
SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:53  Acceptance  -1   Remember-word-"CONSOLIDATE!" LOL!
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Post at 3-2-2011 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #717 Thai-delight's post

JtB: Regarding your comment ''was he on the swedish fencing team'', I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean whether there was any sword fighting: nope, no way, no chance.

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 11:59  Acceptance  +1   M on the Swedish Smorgasbord team!
JackTheBat   4-2-2011 01:28  Acceptance  +2   LOL! no way
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Post at 4-2-2011 01:54  Profile P.M. 
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Maria Schneider

Just saw it on the internet news that Maria Schneider passed away. She was 19 when she made The Last Tango in Paris. I am going to have to rent the movie and watch it again. Butter anyone?

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:41  Karma  +6   Congratulations LUSTFUL LORD!
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Post at 4-2-2011 02:11  Profile P.M. 
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Woah I haven't been on here in over a week and this thread is still the most popular, nice!

I just got back from a sauna and got my first even HJ, I'm going to try and write a noobie report.

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:48  Karma  +1   WELCOME BACK! Look forward to ur report!
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Post at 4-2-2011 02:29  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 5-1-2011 20:32
Doghead - thanks for the congrats - and the success OR failure of this thread basically depends on ALL of us - newbies, oldies, mods etc.  

Everybody will or will not participate in it according to w ...

Regarding SEAJ's plan to get newbies posting, it's worked!

I don't live in HKG but I've just arrived for a few weeks. I'm looking to check Dundas out - read good things about this place.

Any ideas about the talent being affected by CNY? Read that this year has been different and that a few hotties have recently arrived.


Oh and dear lord sweet jesus, what is the source of JoeDoe83's avatar?!

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:50  Karma  +2   WELCOME TO OUR BOARD AND THREAD, and THA
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Post at 4-2-2011 02:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #726 Thai-delight's post

Yeah Congratz freepeaks.  Definitely well deserved after 3+ years of contribution.

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:56  Karma  +1   Yup, nice bouncy titties ur avatar.
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Post at 4-2-2011 04:14  Profile P.M. 
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hey its new yr i was wondering is there any new year promotion worth a try?

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:51  Karma  +1   LOL! You WISH!!
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Post at 4-2-2011 07:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #737 murdoc's post

Originally posted by murdoc at 4-2-2011 04:14
hey its new yr i was wondering is there any new year promotion worth a try?

What Promotion ? Another thing what usually happens during CNY everything goes up.  For example in CP, taxis would try to get a higher rate by not using the meters.  Most hotels will raised their rates.

Mommies would try to sell their limited amount of girls for more.  Some will try to get 250 rmb when it suppose to be only 200. Or when it's suppose to be only 150 for 200.

Last year, a few shops in CP even close for 2 weeks. One mommie went back home and came back 2 weeks later. She is a mommie that was in a hotel behind Hui Mei that moved to the alley behind Hui Mei.

After CNY, everything drops back to normal.

Don't know about KTV around southern China of any promotions.


Reply #725 freepeaks's post

Congrats on reaching KinkyKing freepeaks....The next level is harder, EE.

edit: "when back" to "went back"
added: hotels stuff

[ Last edited by  Weelock at 5-2-2011 03:50 ]

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 09:55  Karma  +1   Concur! True Dat!
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Post at 4-2-2011 10:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #723 Thai-delight's post

Never been with a Korean or Mongolia. Worth the extra?

Looks like there is a $ bump for Japanese WG  which I sort of understand. They are kind of rare as WG's. I've had a couple regular Japanese GF's and found the although they both loved the horizontal mambo and would go on request they were both very passive in the rack and will would never make a sound or express how they felt.

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SEAJ   4-2-2011 11:48  Karma  +1   Huh? I thot JPN civvie gals usually wild
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Post at 4-2-2011 11:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #739 JJJ37's post

Must be YMMV!

But the very limited experiences I've had with Japanese CIVVIE gals (3 to be exact and spaced many years apart!) had been nothing but short of spectacular!

Not only did I find all 3 of them very open to all sorts of "wild new things," at least 1 of them actually initated/was the one who suggested she wanted to try "something new."

Yes, I did find them quite reserved in public settings - but in private, I found them nothing of the sort and all 3 had actively participated  - AND had been very responsive - in our romps.

Don't know about Japanese WG's in Hong Kong though - as I've never had one here; OTH, I did have a couple or so Japanese WG sessions in Japan - and they were also quite nice!

Hmmmm.... either that or my definition of "responsive" is probably lame compared to other's!  LOL!


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JJJ37   6-2-2011 02:24  Acceptance  +1   Good insight!!



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