Subject: Sulasno !!!!!!!!!!!
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Post at 12-1-2008 20:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #40 sulasno's post

Umm....I hear the economic stability is not so great over there
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Post at 12-1-2008 20:36  Profile P.M. 
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referring to Bangkok and Thailand?

I am no economist; but there will be a few sectors that will do very well;

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Post at 12-1-2008 20:47  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #42 sulasno's post

Isn't the political regime of Thailand slightly volatile hence effecting it's economic progress?
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Post at 12-1-2008 20:52  Profile P.M. 
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if you have been following the news on Thailand ..................................................

one question?

would you take my words as it is or believe what CNN is reporting?

eh............. you are not a reporter are you? and you are not going to ask me who I think will be the next PM are you?

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Post at 12-1-2008 21:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #44 sulasno's post

It's not you versus CNN
Just asking for your opinion.
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Post at 12-1-2008 21:42  Profile P.M. 
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the local economy needs some time to adjust;

(and don't I sound like the local academic)

but personally I foresee that that she will have harder times in the future;
maybe in another 10 or 20 (and please don't ask for explanations, not appropriate for discussions)

and after that, you can put all your money into Thailand;
She will be a cash cow

in the short term, returns are still attractive .................................

good times will follow after the bad ............................................

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Post at 12-1-2008 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #46 sulasno's post

any particular sector worth investing?
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Post at 12-1-2008 23:22  Profile P.M. 
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not telling

frankly I don't know ................................


automobiles might be good .................................

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Post at 13-1-2008 02:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #48 sulasno's post

Maybe I should stop talking about investments before you remind me that this is a sex forum again

On second thoughts you was trying to sell your maybe it's okay

[ Last edited by  moebee at 13-1-2008 02:57 ]
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Post at 13-1-2008 05:59  Profile P.M. 
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you think that I will be able to find a buyer here?

nay ...............................................................

I would get better response if I post a report

Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 13-1-2008 18:02  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sulasno at 5/1/08 22:54
I will make sure some of the Mods will fade away gracefully...

When can we expect this process to start .... all powerful one?

Or is this another example of you saying you'll do something and then ... not.

Can anyone really believe anything you say Sulasno?
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 13-1-2008 18:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #51 Jake's post

Now I got 2 tick in my excel worksheet....this one goes to column "All mods to fade away".

Jake.....can you give a proposal what is best for the forum......then present it to the ADMIN for deliberation....see whether you get what you want........and if ADMIN thinks it is best for the forum........

Beside you and some few minority, we all believe in Sulasno...........for good or for bad.....

Oh yeah!!!! there was a threat call "HSBC haters"......perhaps you like to start a new thread with "Mods Haters" or "Sulasno Haters" !!!!!

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Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 13-1-2008 19:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 13/1/08 18:17
Beside you and some few minority, we all believe in Sulasno ...

Oh yeah, well I've got about 20 PMs or emails that say otherwise. And not a single one telling me to shut up.

Originally posted by hunter at 13/1/08 18:17
Jake.....can you give a proposal what is best for the forum......then present it to the ADMIN for deliberation.......

Like I've told Sulasno before, I don't go behind people's backs. Why should I run to the ADMIN - I'm not a child. I've already
said what should happen for the good of the forum - a few times I thnk. Sulasno shouldn't be a Mod. He 'downgraded'
himself before, as he put it, and then regained his Mod status. He should downgrade himself again - but this time, permanently.

He lost all respect with the bros because of his indiscrimanate bannings and he can't be trusted. He's welcome to stay on as a
Forum Legend because that's what he is. He just shouldn't be a Mod.

I don't hate Mods - most are doing a great job.    
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Post at 13-1-2008 20:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #53 Jake's post

Oh.....more than 20 they must be stayin silence and chinese saying "borrow sword to kill person"........
Nevertheless.......that's what make this forum a fun place to be.......u have the "Dark" side and the "Darker" side.  confrontation continues...........

Okthen..let's give it a rest on the mod resignation. As for me....u dun see me doing Mod duties for the past two weeks and left my Mods badge with 303....just posting and replying as normal member and of course everybody has his own side.  I say white, you say Black and vice continues.
True, I don;t hate anybody in this forum as well.......cos I dunno anybody in real person. I just hate the writings at times. If peace prevail in this would not be a interesting place to be and we do not need leaders of the world to guide us........

[ Last edited by  hunter at 13-1-2008 20:56 ]

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Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 13-1-2008 20:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #54 hunter's post

OK bro, I don't mind letting this thing drop for now. But you should know that a lot of bros were actually afraid to
disagree with Sulasno after he banned so many bros for no reason. It was like - one post and you're banned. That's
what happened to me and some others and I just don't want to see it happen again.

You like to sometimes cuss people out; so do I. I just don't wanna be afraid to do it because I might get banned. A
fair warning - that's a different thing and I'll accept that. Anyway - truce  
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Post at 13-1-2008 21:30  Profile P.M. 
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you don't have to actually ..................
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Post at 13-1-2008 21:35  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks bros,
sometimes its nice to have some sanity in this forum,
sometimes it nice to have some disagreements, otherwise it gets boring,
sometimes its nice to have skirmishes to bring up the ratings for this forum !  
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 13-1-2008 21:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #55 Jake's post

yeah..... let's chill out.........!!! Bygone be bygone.......

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Post at 13-1-2008 21:49  Profile P.M. 
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and only 20 or so PM ?

too bad I didn't get a single one;

shouldn't they be writing to the other Mods or the Admin ?  Had you ever stop to wonder what are their intentions or their motives?

Allow me to relate one incident. There are only less than 3 who are not happy becos they have to login to view the reports. At least one wrote to the Admin with a stupid excuse;  When I propose this to the Admin, he make certain comments on my proposals; I was prepared to revoke it if I get plenty of complaints but I didn't get enough feedback; They are not the only ones who got to login, everybody go to;  

As for those who think that I discriminate against certain people, I can only say that this must be the first forum that they ever participate;

When anyone makes a comment on the Mods, please consider this;  how much weight do you carry when commenting how on the Mods run the forum;
and oh, ask yourself this question first; "How much have you contributed to his Forum?"
the Mods are merely volunteers and they cannot please everyone; The Forum welcomes all suggestions and whether they will be adopted depend on many factors;

Because this forum is frequented by people who have different values and beliefs, always make due considerations before posting; You have the right to post your opinions and so do the others; But when you post (not referring to you, Jake) something that is not suitable, all mods in any forum will take appropriate action.  Have you visited the Chinese section of the forum? It's a lot worse over there.
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Post at 13-1-2008 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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anyone is free to disagree with me; use reasons and not nonsense;

there are 2 coins to side; while I am willing to listen, many don't;

have you ever checked those who was banned after one post?
apparently you were misled; and being made a fool by them;

they registered on that every day they made a post ................

need I say more? ................................................

and oh, there were some others who knew about this section long before you and me and chalked less than 20 hours

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