Subject: Sulasno !!!!!!!!!!!
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Post at 10-1-2008 20:05  Profile P.M. 
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well hillary's served me very well. every time i start to get carried away too soon i think of her and in seconds i'm back in control, to the girl's delight/frustration (hopefully more of the first).
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Post at 11-1-2008 01:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by sulasno at 10-1-2008 19:21
this is interesting ..............................

someone posted a post on Who's going to be be the next President of US at the Chinese section;

anybody want the link? it's in English so  ...

It's good to hear that you know not all post in the Chinese sections are written in Chinese  
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Post at 11-1-2008 08:59  Profile P.M. 
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of course I do

I had posted links to reports in English from the Chinese section when the English section started but IMO no longer required since the reports over here are more interesting

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Post at 11-1-2008 10:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #23 sulasno's post

Reports here are more interesting AND more reliable !
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Post at 11-1-2008 19:06  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 eddielee's post

I agree completely with you eddie lee and have said so on another thread
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Post at 12-1-2008 02:46  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by nikkeimaster at 5-1-2008 10:40
bro. sulasno: This is just my curiosity. Do you really mean "I will make sure some of the Mods will fade away gracefully"? This sentence seems to imply that you have the power to MAKE them q ...

have to agree
i am new
i think he is an asset as a member with much to share, but wonder about being a mod
but even as new as i am
the very first few things i tried to ask
being serious about
he took it apon himself t make me feel like i was under a personal attack
when i ask a real question
all i wanted we a real answer
not a negative personal JUMP

i am sure i could be great friends with him if we met and i got to know him
many people have varied peronality that i can adjust to very easy

to this day i never got a good answer

i meant my question
just wanted to gain from the experiance of the brothers here

made me feel like a bastard at a family reunion

sorry to say it

i like everyone i meet

treat them like family unless given a reason not to

even then i am fast to forgive and move one

but for a newbie to be POPed like that when first joining
made me reluctant to post much

but i feel i have some things to contribute
maybe new to HK
but certainly not to Asia or hunting

been traveling and hunting since i was 17 and went into the Army
that was 1978
now been to over 40 chinese cities
and 50 countries
about to get a home in 3 chinese cities
so wanted to max my luck and get input

i know enough to see there is more to learn from others
i wont bullshit you
even though i got some great stories
but when i dont know, i say it
then i ask a bro that does to bring me up to speed

i will hush now
thats my 2 cents worth
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Post at 12-1-2008 08:47  Profile P.M. 
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you want to bring up your threads  again? and let's everyone have another laugh;

nobody in their right sense of mind would buy an apartment just for the purpose of punting;

although some do keep mistress in apartments;

frankly are you aware of the property market in HK?

I am not sure whether anyone here is in real esate; still best to make inquiries with the Real estate brokers; try Yellow pages Hongkong

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Post at 12-1-2008 11:10  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Originally posted by sulasno at 11-1-2008 19:47
you want to bring up your threads  again? and let's everyone have another laugh;

nobody in their right sense of mind would buy an apartment just for the purpose of punting;

although some do  ...

here you go again
i gave another shot
you dont get another
your a fucking ass hole
none of your business dip shit
just because i can affort to buy right in OR NEAR the game, i will deside how far or near is good for me
its not for you to call

its not your call

since you dont have anything positive to contribute to my questions then
mind your own business

just as eveyone says
your an ass
this board is clearly your life to have so much time and post here
no way you have time for any real action yourself

you think this board is your own personal playground or that every topic needs your own personal touch
i told you before and i will say it again to be clear
now and in the future
when i ask a question
dont even bother to read anything i post
because i cetainly dont want YOUR input
if you dont get it through your head
i will find the owner of the website myself
and have a chat about you personally, directly with them
if you for one moment dont think i don't have the ability to do that
then your the one in for quite a surprise
you shoud be more careful about who's eye you poke your "mini me" finger into in the future
some brothers have alot more guanxi than you need to unlease or discover
so play you in your own post
and stay out of mine
and i dare you to try to ban me for saying my mind here in a section that is open to all
or delete this post
the result will be something everyone will be upset at you for

if the geat DIP SHIT (you) dont like it
then it must be wrong or bad
get over yourself
how did the rest of us ever get along without your input or guidance
do the words legand in your own mind ring a bell?

if you got your head out of your ass long enough to pay attention
i was asking about housing in the area and around it
close enough to play from OR right in it

i dont care if your little brain dont get it
i also told you last time to mind your own business and not reply to my post anymore
as you have nothing positive to add

only your own personal dribble
accoring to your sad little life

in fact most of your experiance comes from reading others post i bet
not from first hand action

i dont owe you an explination
so get your own life

and your pretty stupid with that blanket statement that
maybe not in your pool hall budy
but in my circle my friends and i do it in many cities and countries
sorry you have a narrow view and life
dont asume everyone is on the same budget

The laughing is at you, not with you
for such an ignorant statement
you assume that because your budget does not allow for such
that its the same for all others
no one need submit a financial statement here when asking questions to meet your personal approval

yes i am quite aware of the cost, i am sure the ones in Tokyo were more expensive than HK
but your the one unaware of what others can afford or not and its not your call
which is not the issue
I deside where and how to spend my money
i dont recall seeing you at any meetings when i deside to spend money large or small
but any good brother would have simply asked if i am aware then left it at that
i will look at all the options then deside rent or buy for myself
just as i always do

sorry you personally cant afford it
that does not mean others cant
so butt out on the personal finance area

either contribute with positive input or fucking pass

i told you last time
why do you think
that evey question needs your touch

the more you open your mouth the deeper in the hole you get
and the more you lose face
and prove what others say about you

one day your going to piss off someone that can and will shut this site down
and all the brothers and i will lose out thanks to you
it wont take much
but dumb asses like you are what sink the ships
and fuck up good things

i challenge you to delete this post of ban me
see how fast i react to that
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Post at 12-1-2008 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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ok you win

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Post at 12-1-2008 15:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 southernpod's post

southernpod - please do not use the manner of your language in this forum again.
If you wish to challange another brother in this forum do so with some decorum.

Forum rage is not something members want to read here.

Please also do not challange moderators to ban you.

This is your first warning !
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 12-1-2008 15:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #30 twiceAweek's post

Twice.............yeah vulgar language again.

Sometime i can;t help it but to say FUCK to fellow bro.......I said once to JAke.......yeah he gets on my nerve most of the time. Then I got warning from him........warning taken and noted as this is a fair and just sothernpod u have been warned equitably. Some bros deserve to be cursed once in a while due to their outrages remarks and I dun blame anybody. But then.....not encouraged.
So when I use the F word or any other foul language........I really mean it and ready to pay the price for not abiding the forum's regulation.

And I always said Fuck to sul also....but not publicly cos he gets on my nerve worse than Jake.
But Sul ain;t heavy......he;s my bro........Sul dun make me say fuck to you again,,,,,,hehehehehehe. we buyin apartment or what???
If need to write such a long reply. Spend more time on Report section with that writing.....I will then salute u.

[ Last edited by  hunter at 12-1-2008 16:53 ]

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Post at 12-1-2008 16:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #31 hunter's post

Yes, it would be nice to read southernpod's first report on a girl.
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Post at 12-1-2008 16:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #24 twiceAweek's post

Totally agree. Reliability is higher here.
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Post at 12-1-2008 16:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #28 southernpod's post

I just have one question and one suggestion. The question: where in Tokyo did you buy the apartment and where is your mongering grounds in Tokyo?  The suggestion: since you are so loaded, you can show a little kindness by hosting a dinner party for all the moderators here (who are in HK and who can attend from overseas) as a show of character. How about it?

(oh, and please, stop the nasty language, you get no respect by using that kind of tone here)

[ Last edited by  nikkeimaster at 12-1-2008 16:47 ]
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Post at 12-1-2008 18:57  Profile P.M. 
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come of think of it, I got a friend who wants to sell his apartment in YMT;

located somewhere along Homantin Hill Road;

2000 square feet, 2 bedrooms, fully furnished with heaters, etc

but he asking for a ridiculous price; 30 miillion HKD

tells me that plenty of actress in that area;

too bad I can't afford it; think I would be better off buying a villa in Phuket for just US$1 million

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Post at 12-1-2008 19:12  Profile P.M. 
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got another friend with a small piece of land; only 8-9 rai
(1 rai = 1600 sq metres)
asking for only 5 million baht a rai
I think good only for growing rice

but the land is adjacent to another piece of land; 22 rai; also asking for only 5 m baht a rai

[ Last edited by  sulasno at 12-1-2008 19:14 ]

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Post at 12-1-2008 20:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 12-1-2008 15:42
Twice.............yeah vulgar language again.

Sometime i can;t help it but to say FUCK to fellow bro.......I said once to JAke.......yeah he gets on my nerve most of the time. Then I got warning from ...

How can you not manage to control what your hands are typing?

[ Last edited by  moebee at 12-1-2008 20:11 ]
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Post at 12-1-2008 20:13  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by nikkeimaster at 12-1-2008 16:46
I just have one question and one suggestion. The question: where in Tokyo did you buy the apartment and where is your mongering grounds in Tokyo?  The suggestion: since you are so loaded, you can show ...

Isn't that 2 questions?
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Post at 12-1-2008 20:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #35 sulasno's post

Other factors come into play when buying a property and not just price.

For example, say you have a few villas in Puket paying a higher price in another country maybe more attractive than getting another one in Puket.
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Post at 12-1-2008 20:25  Profile P.M. 
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true; other factors need to be considered too;


want to sell the place that I am living

need the cash desperately;

selling cheap too;

small house, 4 bed rooms on the ground floor, 2  storey building; built in area is small; only 625 sq metres per floor; small house situated on land which is about 9600 sq metres

asking for only 90 million baht; any takers? please help

[ Last edited by  sulasno at 12-1-2008 20:28 ]


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