Subject: TST agents caught up in raid?
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Post at 22-8-2020 11:35  Profile P.M. 
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TST agents caught up in raid? ... omen-mainland-china

Looks like maybe some of our agents got caught. QK stopped updating his telegram on Thursday.

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trust_00   22-8-2020 22:17  Acceptance  +4   They're really busting those operations lately
blazing_saddles   22-8-2020 12:01  Acceptance  +5   It was strange for QK to have that many girls when others didn't...
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Post at 23-8-2020 09:55  Profile P.M. 
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Since this has gone quite public in the news I think it is probably ok to talk about it now. QK and some others who still has a constant supply of girls even when the border is locked down is because they smuggled girls via speedboats. That bypassed the 14 day quarantine control. That is why you might notice that some girls are available for much longer than the usual 7 days...because they are just not using any visas at all!

The police has noticed this for a while now. They only cracked down this month because the China side requested them to action. The 3rd wave outbreak in HK since July meant that girls in HK finishing work will go back to China also by illegal means and totally bypass the quarantine control as well. In fact, news yesterday reveals that the recent cases in Guangdong came from the HK1 variant of the virus which are 100% match to HK cases.

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Bloodrage   23-8-2020 16:47  Acceptance  +1   Thx, should have caught them earlier...
CoreTierOne   23-8-2020 10:58  Acceptance  +5   Thanks for the intel. Who are the other agents ?
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Post at 23-8-2020 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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That also explained why most agents do not accept new customers. An agent friend of mine told me that she let a new customer she acquired via telegram up to the girl's room and 5 min later the police came into the room.

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perriersons08   24-8-2020 23:24  Acceptance  +6   was that a HG? Did the police go up due to the customer? I'm confused about the connection
twiceAweek   23-8-2020 11:40  Acceptance  +10   thanks for your intel
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Post at 23-8-2020 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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just curious … over the last couple of months, has any bro here had a near experience being caught in the room with a HG or spa ?

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ergodyne85   24-8-2020 02:24  Acceptance  +5   avoided most of the action from feb to july. that being said, the spa contacts do ask more questions than before especi ...
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Post at 23-8-2020 12:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by skebe at 23-8-2020 09:55 AM
Since this has gone quite public in the news I think it is probably ok to talk about it now. QK and some others who still has a constant supply of girls even when the border is locked down is because  ...

Glad I have been holding out for the past 6 months. Too much 麻煩 to punt right now.
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Post at 23-8-2020 22:00  Profile P.M. 
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Sex syndicate found to have smuggled women from mainland China, used Hong Kong hotels as operations base: police sources
Thirty-eight suspects were arrested after police raided two hotels, with ring believed to have earned HK$6 million (US$774,000) since April
Source says women kept in rooms with meals brought to them, no clients allowed after midnight and control centres operated by gang members in hotels

About 100 officers raided hotel rooms and some 20 other locations across the city on Thursday, and arrested 38 people and seized HK$790,000 (US$101,926) in cash. Photo: handout
A prostitution syndicate has been smuggling women into Hong Kong despite travel restrictions in place amid the Covid-19 pandemic, plying their trade in two four-star hotels in the city, according to police sources.

The gang began its operations in April after noticing that mainland Chinese prostitutes could not come to the city through legal channels because of the closure of major border checkpoints and the 14-day quarantine measure, one source said.

“The syndicate then smuggled mainland sex workers into the city and arranged for them to work in dozens of rooms in two hotels in Tsim Sha Tsui and Yau Ma Tei,” he said. “Meals and daily necessities were delivered to their rooms so that the women did not need to leave the hotels in an effort to avoid police detection.”
To tout business, the gang left posts with contact numbers on the internet. Clients were told the women’s room numbers and charged HK$1,300 (US$168) each.
“Intelligence indicated that an average of more than 100 clients went to the hotels for sex services daily,” the source said.

To avoid detection, a source said, clients were not entertained after midnight.
“The gang members also operated a room in each hotel as their control centre. They regularly went to the lobby and outside the hotels to look out for surveillance from police or immigration officers,” he said.

After an in-depth investigation, about 100 officers were deployed to raid the hotel rooms and some 20 other locations across the city on Thursday, leading to the arrests of 38 people and seizure of HK$790,000 in cash.
Chief Inspector Ian Yan Hon-yeung of Yau Tsim police district said on Friday that six suspects – three men and three women – were core figures of the syndicate, while another five men were also members of the gang. One of the core members was found carrying HK$200,000 at the time of the arrest.

He said the remaining 27 women were suspected mainland prostitutes who were picked up in 27 rooms between the two hotels. They were illegal immigrants from the mainland.
“The syndicate was very cautious when selecting clients. They usually served regular clients in an effort to avoid police detection,” Yan said.
He added that officers had to carry out heavy surveillance to identify members of the syndicate and deploy undercover officers to collect evidence.
Investigations are under way and further arrests are possible.
In Hong Kong, control over persons for the purpose of unlawful sexual intercourse or prostitution carries a maximum penalty of 14 years in jail under the Crimes Ordinance, according to Yan.
As of Friday evening, all the suspects were being held for questioning and none had been charged.

Sure seems like the police had a good time doing some 'undercover in-depth investigation'

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Bloodrage   26-8-2020 14:31  Acceptance  +1   I wanna be undercover cop busting potential prostitutes
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Post at 24-8-2020 10:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 ramont's post

SK has been offline too and a couple of the girls stopped replying me on their personal WeChat - hope they didn’t get caught

I only see F and AQ with ads

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flappo84   24-8-2020 12:28  Acceptance  +5   XL and CC also still online
cknc31   24-8-2020 12:26  Acceptance  +3   CC and AO still going strong ad-wise
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Post at 24-8-2020 12:41  Profile P.M. 
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AO using fake Ads, sure wont get caught.
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Post at 24-8-2020 23:26  Profile P.M. 
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lol basically all the ones with fake ads are still running strong?

AQ is still updating.
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Post at 26-8-2020 00:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 perriersons08's post

I don’t see AQs ads anywhere in the db. Are you seeing this from his telegram page?
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Post at 26-8-2020 07:05  Profile P.M. 
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Post at 26-8-2020 13:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by darmour88 at 26-8-2020 00:24
I don’t see AQs ads anywhere in the db. Are you seeing this from his telegram page?

AQ (and a lot of other agents) stopped listing on 141 db. 141 db are for attracting new customers who don't know better. Since no one want new customers these days, why waste money on 141 db.

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chaoprokia   26-8-2020 16:03  Acceptance  +2   Can share where do they list?
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Post at 26-8-2020 16:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 skebe's post

This is my biggest concern …
if the 141 site starts loosing money they would
have to find ways to cut cost and find new ways
to attract business

If they cut cost, guess what is the first and
easiest thing to do ? … cut the English forum !
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Post at 27-8-2020 00:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 twiceAweek's post

Tried to go to Imperial on Sunday afternoon for a session with Michelle. Showed up and The gates were locked. Michelle arrived 5mins later and said she felt uneasy as there were a lot of cops downstairs on Haiphong Road and Nathan Road. She told me that apparently they went into the spa during the weekday and warned them to close as they shouldn’t be open. Apparently the other spa in the same building was also visited and warned. In the end agreed with Michelle no point to push for the appointment to continue. Girl not comfortable, spa session not comfortable.
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Post at 27-8-2020 09:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 dryice's post

All these spas were openly flaunting their goods and services all over social media throughout the 3 wave closures they were asking for trouble
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Post at 27-8-2020 11:16  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 26-8-2020 16:17
This is my biggest concern …
if the 141 site starts loosing money they would
have to find ways to cut cost and find new ways
to attract business

If they cut cost, guess what is the first and
eas ...

30 years ago, HG were advertised in newspapers. Then they lost out the ad business as internet came about.

Now 141 website is losing their business to other digital channels. That is inevitable trend that nobody can fight. When you can't beat them join them. Make TG groups for English speakers. If there are such groups I would say nobody would miss this English forum.

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Bloodrage   31-8-2020 19:10  Acceptance  +1   Nothing lasts forever. Don't think telegram can replace this website.
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Post at 27-8-2020 11:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 skebe's post

yes totally true, BUT unless there's an alternative becomes available, this is still the one and only credible English forum in SE Asia

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alex_french   27-8-2020 21:03  Acceptance  +3   A few good English forums in Singapore and Thailand too. BTW set up a discussing group on new social platforms is easy, ...
CoreTierOne   27-8-2020 16:10  Acceptance  +1   There are other solid english forums for other regions in SEA. Best one for HK for sure.
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Post at 27-8-2020 17:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 BootBoot's post

Ive been trying to schedule with these agents as I see so many honey girls that I've been wanting to try, and every time I reach out they all state that they are not accepting new clients. They all ask me for a phone #, or someone's phone # that they can check, but obviously I don't know anyone or anything since I'm new to the city. Guess I will stick with SW and walk-ups.

Any advice for a newbie?

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ramont   27-8-2020 18:56  Acceptance  +1   Read the Getting Started sections
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Post at 27-8-2020 21:59  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks Core & Alex
I've researched a few of the big SE Asian sex forums and even though their traffic is huge, the credible contents of the reports there are questionable … pretty much like what we have in our Chinese forum
In this English forum I would say close to 70% of reports and discussions are real compared to forums like Samboy only about 20% (that's what one of their own mods estimated)

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Bloodrage   31-8-2020 19:13  Acceptance  +1   Woo ,naive of me thinking 90% of reports are real here
zebra   27-8-2020 23:01  Acceptance  +1   I thought sammyboy has been closed down?
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Post at 27-8-2020 23:10  Profile P.M. 
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Zebra, no idea now, this was a years ago when this forum was getting 8000+ posts a month

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