Subject: Sulasno !!!!!!!!!!!
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 5-1-2008 04:17  Profile P.M. 
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Sulasno !!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say..........Show Some Respect!!!!!!

Without him, none of you is benefiting from what you are getting today on the english forum.

Not gonna list down all the contributions Sulasno has given to all of us........just ponder for 1 minute.....

We should even pay him a tribute or give him a medal of honor..........but what the hell.......nevertheless this is a virtual over the internet forum.........

Always the respect!!!!!!!!!

[ Last edited by  hunter at 5-1-2008 04:48 ]

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Post at 5-1-2008 09:57  Profile P.M. 
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instead of respects, may we have more Reports? .........................

hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 5-1-2008 12:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 sulasno's post

shhhhhhhh.........not reporting the last encounter......too Exciting and Dangerous!!!!!!

And yes........let's stop war !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 5-1-2008 12:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hunter's post

OK, Hunter, we all know you're Sulasno's shoeshine boy, but just a question - why are you and Sulasno still listed as
Moderators after you both resigned as Mods?

No, don't tell me - let me guess. You've tasted power and you don't want to give it up. Or maybe Sulasno got scared
because he was recommended for a banning for all the trouble he was causing. As a Mod of course, he's immune from
banning and can cause whatever trouble and disturbance he wants. A typical bully.

My guess is you've both withdrawn your resignations and will stay on as Mods - but guys, pleeeeeeeeease tell me I'm wrong.
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Post at 5-1-2008 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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Jake, you are really clueless

let me explain so that you understand;

When I was at war, it is not proper for me to be a moderator whether super or not;
I requested my previous system status; and that's the time where I could post what I like;

Since there is no more war, I simply requested my system status to be upgraded.


as far as I am concern, the Admin will not entertain any mod's resignation unless .................................
(sorry that's not for you to know)

however if you want the war to continue, please hang on while I submit another request to the Admin to downgrade my system status; so that we are on equal grounds.....................

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Post at 5-1-2008 17:02  Profile P.M. 
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I really think none of this is necessary. Bro. Jake, your view is well taken. You don't have to bait them. We can all read what was said before. We don't need to start this again. I think the "new" mods will be much more understanding and careful in the future. Just remember, we (the brotherhood) is always the last judge. The forum cannot succeed without reasonable men agreeing to share. Infighting for a good reason is not necessarily bad. However, fighting for insignifican issues is a waste of time and energy. The world is not perfect, and none of us are either. Let's try to see the other side and be forgiving. Power is indeed intoxicating, but the real power here is the brotherhood and nothing else.
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Post at 5-1-2008 18:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 sulasno's post

If only Richard Nixon had known he could unresign himself after a few days!
You live, you learn, I guess
Tis a new meaning to a word I thought I already knew.
Resign = Temporary status downgrade.

Thanks for the english lesson guys.
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Post at 5-1-2008 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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most of the mods will be holiday soon
2 weeks.................................
and extended if necessary;

let's see whether the situation would be better

if the situation is better with out any mods, then either the Admin remove all the mods or some of the mods will stop contributing

If you (you here doesn't mean nikkeimaster) don't give recognition to the Mods for their contributions, that's not a problem;

and I will make sure some of the Mods will fade away gracefully

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Post at 5-1-2008 23:40  Profile P.M. 
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bro. sulasno: This is just my curiosity. Do you really mean "I will make sure some of the Mods will fade away gracefully"? This sentence seems to imply that you have the power to MAKE them quit. Can all the mods who fall under this category name themselves? (because I would like you guys to resign immediately) I believe the mods are here to serve the brotherhood. They are not at the beck-and-call of anyone. (perhaps with the exception of the admin. or the brotherhood) Bro. sulasno, you have made a great contribution to this forum, no doubt about it. However, I do start to sense that you think the forum is under your control. (or that only you know what is best for the forum) Sharing is not to seek returns for gratification. All that goodwill is not going to be remembered and appreciated if you try to control things.
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Post at 6-1-2008 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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See my PM

my response is not appropriate ..........

Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 6-1-2008 11:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 sulasno's post

Always secrets - right to the end. Well, at least you'll be gone in 13 hours.                   
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Post at 6-1-2008 11:16  Profile P.M. 
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and wouldn't you like to know the secrets as well?

too bad; not sharing with you for sure ..................

those whom I share with are discreet .........................

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Post at 6-1-2008 15:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 sulasno's post

PM received and answered.

bro. Jake: There is really no secret in the forum. However, there are private messages that should be kept in private. You should know better that I am not going to scheme anything here that is going to hurt the brotherhood. Bro. sulasno and I go back a long way, but I will still call it like I see it. We really need to lighten up here.
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Post at 6-1-2008 16:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 nikkeimaster's post

especially about lightening up here  
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Post at 6-1-2008 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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well looks like it's going to start again, so here are my $0.02 and i'll shut up. i actually posted this as a separate thread but realized too late header was too cryptic. i've cut and paste cause i'm too busy drooling at pictures of the girls on my list.

if an ageing (late30s) geek may share his experiences, in light of the recent slagfest on mods and banning and how bans need to be justified, etc.
i joined my first internet forum in the late 80s, on what were then called BBSs. so i can say i have some experience at this. i have participated in hundreds (possibly over a thousand) forums/fora. in how many have i moderated? ONE. why? because i don't need the trouble.
those who criticize the mods, i'm sure you guys have reasons to be pissed off, but try looking at things from their perspective: they're not getting paid, they devote several hours a week/day to annoying administrative tasks (while we're looking at pix of pretty girls) and then they have to deal with personal attacks (justified or not). oh, and they're not paid.
i, too, have been perplexed by some of the things going on. but the mods are only human and will make mistakes -- or what we think are mistakes. if they've done anything you disagree with, point it out, in private, and if they don't listen, instead of engaging in a slagfest, contact the admin.
as for whether they should explain their actions, the trouble with that, in my experience, is it only opens the door to more arguments, ie, more time the mods have to devote to administering the forum (instead of looking at pretty girls). having said that, it would be good if there were clear-cut rules, prominently posted. at least clearly say what we can't do.
when i was a mod of a napoleonic figurines group (yes, i was and am a complete geek), i had to deal with all sorts of unbelievable shit -- and this is from a group of people who share a genuine love for something as non-threatening as painting little men made of lead and lining them up to be shot by imaginary grape shot fired from a miniature replica cannon. i still can't look at a setup of wellington at quatre bras without getting a cold sweat. you can only imagine the sort of crap mods of a mongering site must have to deal with.
so, again, if there's a mod who you think is out of control, contact the other mods or the admin and lay out your case. privately. or even try talking to the mod in question, again, privately. and we can save our energy for mongering.
just some advice from a flame-war vet who doesn't want to see his number-two favoritesite shut down.
gong hei fat -- i mean happy new year everyone.
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Post at 7-1-2008 02:17  Profile P.M. 
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Hear, hear

Nice one Eddielee. I agree we are wasting energy on stupid arguments when we should be drooling over the chicks,
making lists, checking them twice, writing to Santa and wishing for more sex. Too little time and too many beautiful
girls for us to waste time with this shit.
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Post at 7-1-2008 02:27  Profile P.M. 
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and nobody commented on my response to his orignal post? ........................

hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 7-1-2008 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 Siklong69's post

Just some argue and flaming for the sake of it.................


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Post at 10-1-2008 15:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 nikkeimaster's post

I just want hos, news of hos and pics of hos...why do politics have to come into everything?
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Post at 10-1-2008 19:21  Profile P.M. 
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this is interesting ..............................

someone posted a post on Who's going to be be the next President of US at the Chinese section;

anybody want the link? it's in English so nobody should need translation over here


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