Subject: [USA] professionals vs semi-pros (seeking arrangement)
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Post at 17-4-2017 13:09  Profile Blog P.M. 
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[USA] professionals vs semi-pros (seeking arrangement)

For those punters in the US, just wondering if any of you have experienced punting with both professionals and non-pros or semi-pros, primarily found in
I've listed a few differences, and they are just my personal observations.  These two categories are just "different" and some may prefer one over the other, while the reverse is true for some.  Just sharing information, and curious to hear other experienced punters chime in.  Some contributions are borrowed from jake.houston's comments from another one of my posts.

1) Price per punt:  There may be some real value in seekingarrangement newbies, but I seem to come across many who are trying to overcharge, maybe go to the $600-$1000 range.  Especially saw this in NYC, where everything is inflated, but starting to creep up in different cities.  The good thing about the pros is that the price is already set and predetermined.  The negative is that pros tend to stay for just the allotted time (either 30 or 60 min, or whatever) and are usually clock-watching.  Semi-pros tend to not pay too much attention to the time, and it's common to have drinks/dinner/lunch etc beforehand, just to get to know each other better.  It's more GFE, in the sense that it's almost like a date.

2) Pros don't care if you are married, in fact, sometimes they prefer it that way, so you won't be clingy or too needy of their time.  A few of the seekingarrangement profiles specifically say "NO MARRIED GUYS"  The reason is maybe some self-consciousness, or sometimes they are afraid of a crazy wife coming after them.

3) BYOC - need to bring your own condom for semi-pros, usually.  I suspect some bareback is going on, since some of these semi-pros don't know the business that well, and are a bit naive.  But I always insist on a cover.

4) There's quite a bit more pre-meeting work when punting on seekingarrangement.  Emails back and forth, sending pics of yourself, getting some rejections.  Some girls take a few days to even respond, and some won't respond at all.  I've gotten some who will ask for a picture, and then go silent...   I'm OK with that, no biggie.  

5) The few girls I talk to all say that seekingarrangement is HUGE in the college campuses.  LOTS of girls know about it, and they love meeting up with rich old guys, LOL.  The sugar-baby scene is apparently quite popular, and they will introduce it to each other.

6) There are apparently some sugardaddies out there that are looking just for friendship, companionship (non-sexual), someone young and pretty to dine with, strictly platonic set-ups.  This surprises me, but apparently it's out there.  

7) I've done too much punting throughout these past few years, and I've become desensitized to the pros who see multiple clients a day, who are mechanical, and go through the same routine with every punter they see.  In my early years, this was OK and I could still have an enjoyable time.  But these days, the thought of being in line with 10-15 other punters seeing the same girl... kinda grosses me out.  That's why the seekingarrangement peaks my interest.  So far so good, almost all of these ladies have been super-horny!  One way to tell, they get extremely wet down there upon some nominal stimulation, DATY, FIV, etc.  NO LUBE NEEDED!   

8) With pros, they have a "business" so they have incentive to be on time, show up when they say they will, and generally try to give good service.  Otherwise, they might suffer from negative reviews, which will in turn hurt their business.  With semi-pros/seekingarrangement ladies, there's no such mechanism for checks and balance.  So if they flake out and don't show up, there's not much recourse for the punter.  

Some pluses and minuses for both categories.  I'd be interested in hearing other's thoughts and experiences.

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drunkmunky   5-4-2020 13:23  Acceptance  +2   holy shit. this thread. just what i needed as i am also getting desensitized by low/medium buck SW's.
juicybusiness   21-12-2017 01:34  Acceptance  +1   
sirtiger   18-11-2017 02:28  Acceptance  +6   Excellent
blast77   9-11-2017 14:03  Acceptance  +6   Thanks again
ramont   14-7-2017 05:58  Acceptance  +10   
wingman77   13-7-2017 13:02  Acceptance  +4   Original sorry, I seem to be out of Ks to give.
aurufc   11-7-2017 11:57  Acceptance  +3   Agree with all! I've osted a link below on my HK experiences
LeoCan   10-7-2017 14:46  Acceptance  +5   
batman108   19-4-2017 11:01  Acceptance  +5   Awesome and thanks
hkpunter999   18-4-2017 05:04  Acceptance  +5   This is GREAT! Thank you for taking the time to write this!!
nutwing   17-4-2017 14:51  Acceptance  +5   Very good summary.
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Post at 17-4-2017 15:38  Profile P.M. 
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Good summary.   I wanted to get into this but the eating, drinking, and chatting before hand just isn't for me.  Even the semi-pros want to do this before the main event?  I have to say the young college white girls are damn hot.  You'll never find them on escort sites around where I am in the SF Bay Area.

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LeoCan   10-7-2017 14:46  Acceptance  +5   
jeffzeke   18-4-2017 10:04  Acceptance  +6   The cute, white, young, and thin girls KNOW they are in high demand, LOL!
jake.houston   18-4-2017 06:42  Acceptance  +5   There are many that don't care to go out. They just will get down to business.
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Post at 17-4-2017 21:46  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Honestly... I don't really care if they're pros, semi-pros, or even civvies. You'll find good chemistry with some and zero chemistry with others. It's more about what we as punters are looking for. Some just want to play with some f*ckholes. Others want some companionship, and still others... Well they might be looking for something else entirely.


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Pinkpuffy69   26-4-2017 08:56  Acceptance  +1   Yup
jeffzeke   18-4-2017 10:03  Acceptance  +6   very true, we all like different things!
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Post at 18-4-2017 14:32  Profile P.M. 
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In Los Angeles I have had pretty good luck with Pros on Humaniplex.  After some trial and error I found a few gems who I really had a good chemistry with and a few that were very good for cheap quick get togethers.  I know this one older gal from Las Vegas who tours in the Los Angeles area who really really knows how to please a guy has very reasonable rates ($200ishUSD an hour) and once you get to know her will have dinner with you etc completely off the clock and you can have real good conversation with her.  Personally I think thats what is nice about Humaniplex is that there is some community (a bit like here on 141).  People put together meet ups where you can meet the girls etc in a casual setting and also other guys from the community.  But personally HK has been much more fun for me with the lower pricing I can go out to play almost at will.  If you really are on the lookout for a semi-pro situation with good pricing it is out there.  I found this one girl for a while through HX that was semi pro and she would do $60USD half hours or $120USD Hours without clock watching and we could go grab a bit to eat occasionally together.... it was quite nice actually.  She was definitely a working girl but not huge volume and not highly active on the site.
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Post at 18-4-2017 15:48  Profile P.M. 
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Nerdyphotog3, interesting.  I never heard of that site.  If you could share, are you getting mostly white girls on Humaniplex there in LA?
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Post at 19-4-2017 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jeffzeke's post

@jeffzeke - first & foremost, thank you for writing this up!

I've always been a "book an hour" kind of guy, and tried my best not to think about all the guys that were there before me.

Lately, though, I've been struggling with this hobby - even with good sex, I've started to realize there is an emotional aspect to it that I really like. I like the conversation, I want to spend a bit of time getting to know the girl -- my personal experience lately has been that it leads to much better GFE. One of the reasons I like bars like Brix, Beach Club, etc, is that I get a chance to talk to the girl for a bit and see if there is a connection, and on my last trip (KUL & SIN), I ended up doing multiple days with girls I met, which turned out to be a lot of fun!

I've not tried SA, although I have set up an account. I guess as a married guy I worry a bit about the semi-pros.... I worry that I might fall or get caught up in something that jeopardizes my marriage (although, some days I wonder why I am.... LOL!!).

One of the other challenges is that I already feel like I spend a TON of time on this hobby - reading reviews, scouting for each city I visit, arranging stuff, etc, and the thought of spending a ton of time on a girl only to have her flake and leave me where I end up having to go pro anyway is another thing.

Anyway, thank you again for writing this up! I'm starting to try other things (overnights, etc.) and so maybe it's time to try SA!

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jeffzeke   19-4-2017 07:53  Acceptance  +6   Thanks for sharing. We are exactly at the same juncture. I think SA is the right direction.
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Post at 19-4-2017 08:06  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #6 hkpunter999's post

@hkpunter999   we are exactly at the same juncture in our punting experience.  There is definitely an emotional aspect to punting, and getting to know someone beforehand can really enhance the entire experience.  I first experienced being with a "sugar baby" whom I initially met as a low-volume provider in San Diego.  She was just going to school, and we just had such good chemistry I made a point to meet up with her almost every year, and even flew her in to meet up with me at a different city.  It makes for a heightened sexual experience for sure.  I then experienced this similar setup at WanChai with a young Mongolian lady.  A couple of fun and wild nights for sure!  Write-up is here in the HK freelancer section.  

Seekingarrangement does really take a LOT of time.  Another interesting fact I did not mention was these semi-pros often use their real life name and phone number...    I presume all seasoned punters have a hobby name and hobby phone, LOL!  And the young college girls have a huge internet presence, with facebook/twitter/instagram profiles, etc.  Just as long as you are up front with them and emphasize discretion, I don't think they will care about your private life.  There is a punting realm and private life realm, and the two shall never inter-twine!  

[ Last edited by  jeffzeke at 19-4-2017 08:07 ]

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ramont   14-7-2017 06:04  Acceptance  +5   the time investment of SA is one of the things that concerns me
hkpunter999   19-4-2017 08:55  Acceptance  +5   Same place indeed! Need to give SA a try!
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Post at 19-4-2017 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 jeffzeke's post

@jeffzeke - yeah, I’ll really have to give SA a go!

Funny… the last night I was in Singapore I had a repeat with a really hot Viet chick named TT. ... &extra=page%3D1

This girl is amazing, so perfectly demure yet passionate, warms up and becomes quite dominant. The sex with this girl is some of the best I’ve ever had. So, leaving Singapore I’m spending a lot of time messaging with the Indo chick I spent two days with and TT. Over the last few days, the amount of time I’m spending chatting with TT has gone way up - turns out she is a part timer, going to school! We’re really having a lot of fun chatting… so much so, we’re actually trying to arrange a long weekend together in Europe right now - I just have to cover air, hotel, meals. My math has the total coming in around $4,000, all in (Airfare for the two us, hotel in a nice city, meals, etc.)… and I’m seriously considering it given how great this girl is.

Am I crazy? I mean, $4,000 would cover a trip to Hong Kong or two trips to Montreal… or.... Ugh!!

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drunkmunky   5-4-2020 13:37  Acceptance  +3   I got laid bc of your Brix suggestion =D least I could do is give you some credit
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Post at 19-4-2017 09:56  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #8 hkpunter999's post

that is crazy...4000 for you to bring her to you. you are better off going to southeast asia for a vacation, bali, or thailand beach resort and fly her in for probably half of the cost or even less, no reason to fly her to europe.

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hkpunter999   19-4-2017 21:01  Acceptance  +2   $4,000 for us to meeting in the UK (meet in the middle, we'd each be traveling)
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Post at 19-4-2017 10:56  Profile P.M. 
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Does SA work? It does. Is there a larger time investment to find the right girl and set things up? Again, yes.

I'm heading to a large southern city this weekend. I have one lined up for tomorrow, Latina, 22, expected rate $250. The second is another Latina, 21, rate of $200. The final find is a white female, 25, $200. All are girls I linked to on SA this week and have put the meets together.

I also have one tomorrow morning that I'm meeting before heading out on my trip. She is 20 and wants to meet before she heads to class. Quoted rate of $200.

There are lots of options out there, lots.

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hkpunter999   19-4-2017 21:02  Acceptance  +4   Wow! Nice! Yeah, would love to hear how things go with these girls!
jeffzeke   19-4-2017 13:10  Acceptance  +6   Jake, I hope you give us a short summary of your SA experiences after they take place!
wupoer   19-4-2017 11:31  Acceptance  +2   Hot! Got me thinking...

“I believe that sex is one of the most beautiful, natural, wholesome things that money can buy.”
― Steve Martin
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Post at 25-4-2017 14:12  Profile Blog P.M. 
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more insight on SA

Some girls on seekingarrangement do not seem to have enough creativity to open up a new email account or get a hobby phone.  Some even post their REAL names as their handles.     They also post pictures that are easily traceable to their twitter, instagram, facebook, linkedin accounts.  @jake.houston  do you share any more "real-life" information of yourself with SA girls vs the pros, or do you keep the same level of discretion for everyone!?
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Post at 25-4-2017 20:10  Profile P.M. 
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SA gave me what I wanted... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ YMMV

Interesting... the first time that I log in in a long time and this seems to be a hot topic, so I thought I would chime in...

SA ended up being EXACTLY what I needed, before I knew it.

I am into thick/chubby/curvy Asian girls. To be honest, there's not much of what I like in the mongering scene, because every girl is concentrating on being way too "perfect".  When I made an account on SA, I was able to define my search very well, even though I had to increase the distance-range I was looking in.

Long story short: I found an absolutely beautiful, young, sexy, thick Asian college student who is in med school. Her expectations were reasonable, and she was in one of my favorite cities in the US... so, I contacted her, started chatting, went to visit her and had the best time of my life.

We have now actually been DATING for almost 9 months. We are exclusive, see each other at least twice a month, and there isn't an arrangement (although I do spoil the shit out of her).

I ended up going the route of the emotional connection.  It was right for me... at the time that I needed it.  Only time will tell where everything goes from here.

I know that the OP was initially interested in hookups, but for those that might want something a bit more, it's there if you look.


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jeffzeke   27-4-2017 07:10  Acceptance  +6   very nice story and interesting testimonial. It does not fit in the traditional SD/SB relationship, but sounds awesome!
hkpunter999   25-4-2017 21:22  Acceptance  +5   Nice! Super happy for you!

Happy Hunting!
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Post at 27-4-2017 07:16  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Thank you for sharing your firsthand account and experience on SA.  I am very happy for you, sounds like you found exactly what you were looking for.  I am wondering if it is "normal" to develop feelings for your sugarbaby/sugardaddy?  Seems like that is a bit out of bounds, for some people.  The idea of a SD/SB is to have "NSA" no strings attached.  The following are rules posted on another board, by a wellknown contributor who goes by "ShysterJon".  He set up 12 "rules" for a successful SD/SB relationship.  See if you guys agree.  He gave permission for others to use these rules, and he says to feel free to modify or personalize it.


1. HONESTY. If there's deception in an SD-SB relationship, it most likely will not work. This doesn't mean we volunteer information about every aspect of our lives. But the need for honesty requires that whatever we say to each other must be true.
2. We will have respect, affection, concern, interest, and maybe even "love" for each other, but we will NEVER "fall in love" with each other. There MUST be boundaries. Our personal lives need to stay out of our relationship. There can't be jealousy, possessiveness, or judgmental behavior.
3. I must let you be young and you must let me be, well, not so young.
4. There must be realistic, reasonable, and clear expectations between us, but with flexibility for modification. Good comunication is a must.
5. NO DRAMA and NO ILLICIT SUBSTANCES when we're together.
6. We each understand we have mutual obligations under our agreement, and the right to benefits under our agreement stems from full performance of our obligations.
7. I will always give you your support cheerfully, on time, and without having to be asked.
8. During our time together, we will give each other our complete and undivided attention. This means cell phones, computers, Blackberrys, and TV are all off and there are no unexpected visitors.
9. Normally, we will see each other twice a week, once for play and maybe once for an outing of your choice. The outings could be to do things you might not normally do with your circle of friends. We should each try our utmost to make sure we meet our schedule and last-minute cancellations should be for emergencies only.
10. We will have a safe, comfortable, clean, and accessible place to meet.
11. Some SDs have more than one SB, but that's not for me. I like to devote my time, attention, and resources to one SB. You, in turn, must be satisfied with only one SD.
12. Either of us may end our agreement at any time and for any reason. When our arrangement ends, we should each try our best to make the transition smooth.

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liveabroad9   21-11-2017 20:39  Acceptance  +3   Favorable
blast77   9-11-2017 14:03  Acceptance  +6   Thanks bro, helpful
ramont   14-7-2017 06:10  Acceptance  +10   very useful
hkpunter999   27-4-2017 07:19  Acceptance  +5   Nice!!
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Post at 12-5-2017 15:54  Profile P.M. 
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You would be correct, LOL - What happened to me is "out of bounds" for most people (at least around here).  

But as I said, I didn't even know that I wanted that. It just all... "happened".  In my case, I ended up saying: "Hey, what if we..." and she responded with "Hell fucking yes!" (Really weird how we get each other that way). We just turned out to be compatible in every way imaginable... sexually, mentally, etc... It's been great.

What I'm really want to say to anyone reading this thread is that on SA or similar sites, you can find a lot of different things, because the girls there don't really have any real experience in the game.  To a lot of them, it's all very new and sometimes very intimidating. Because of that, I think it's important that YOU (as the SD) know exactly what you want out of the arrangement - and you make damn sure that you set and maintain the boundaries if that is indeed what you want.

The rules that you posted from ShysterJon make sense for most, as the desire is to have an arrangement is about having fun, not "catching feelings".  I would be very careful trying to enter a "strictly business" relationship with a younger, less experienced lady however...  sometimes they can be the ones that get attached.  My GF has told me that out of the group of girls that started her sugaring, 3 of them were "dumped" because they got too close to their SD's, and 2 of them are just major players... they have multiple daddies and that's how they live their lifestyles. So remember that there are also some REAL PROS at the SD/SB game. Be careful and pay attention when you begin to date/meet!

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jeffzeke   18-5-2017 13:29  Acceptance  +6   good advice!

Happy Hunting!
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Post at 12-5-2017 21:37  Profile Blog P.M. 
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I know a guy, his wife knows he sleeps around, so she has 3 rules for him.
1. Always wear a raincoat
2. Don't bring the girl home
3. No repeats.

Friends with benefits... Even paid friends with benefits. Someone will always somehow end up getting attached.


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jeffzeke   18-5-2017 13:30  Acceptance  +6   words of wisdom!
hkpunter999   13-5-2017 02:57  Acceptance  +5   "Someone will always get attached" - so true! So, so true!
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Post at 10-7-2017 11:52  Profile Blog P.M. 
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After a few more months on seekingarrangement, I have some additional insight to share, and hope these may be of benefit to some fellow punters.

    1. Some girls out there do not have a good understanding of the "sugar" relationship.  They either put out nothing essentially, and expect to be paid, some just to talk to them or even for the initial "meet and greet".  Make sure to weed those out right away.  
    2. You can tell a LOT from their profile.  Some just talk about themselves exclusively, even being bold enough to call themselves "spoiled", "love to shop", expensive taste, "spoil me rotten", what can you do for me attitude shines through.  AVOID these.  The profile can also reveal some underlying attitude issues, "don't waste my time" "any REAL men out there"  AVOID these.
    3. I am weary of 18-20 year olds.  The maturity is usually not there.  Of course you have to always watch out to make sure they are at least 18 years old!
    4. You have to be an expert in evaluating photographs.  Some end up much less attractive than their glamour shots they took 10 years ago.  Some, however, have average pictures, but turn out to be very pretty in person!  
    5. Moving to texting / phone call is my goal.  That shows some intent and openness on their part.  
    6. Watch out for the crazy / bipolar / depressed ones.
    7. We all like different things, but I tend to prefer college educated, or even ladies with higher education, graduate degrees.  Just more in common, for me.  For some of you, education level might not be a big deal.  
    8. When to discuss the money aspect of the arrangement.  This has varied, but it has worked well both ways.  Sometimes we get that agreement beforehand, even before we meet.  Othertimes, we discuss in person only after dinner/drinks etc. when we both want to proceed with the arrangement.  
    9. If the sugarbaby LIKES you, you are GOLDEN   For providers, almost all of them will proceed with the act and basically pretend (if they are skilled) to give you some affection and let you bang them.  For the SB's who connect with you, WOW, they will be all over you, dripping wet pussy, tongue lashing, humping you like crazy in cowgirl, leg-shaking, multi-orgasmic events!  It's unbelievable what can occur, and it would be highly unlikely to duplicate for professional providers, at least in my limited experience.
    Set boundaries about phone calls, frequency of texts, frequency of visits, and expected allowances.

[ Last edited by  jeffzeke at 10-7-2017 11:54 ]

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sirtiger   18-11-2017 02:45  Acceptance  +6   Favorable
blast77   9-11-2017 14:07  Acceptance  +6   Golden insight
ramont   14-7-2017 06:12  Acceptance  +10   good update
suriboy   11-7-2017 14:59  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! Valuable info!
kingstada   11-7-2017 09:58  Acceptance  +3   thanks!
stinkyfeet   11-7-2017 01:55  Acceptance  +8   
UncleDad   10-7-2017 21:46  Acceptance  +4   Great info!
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Post at 11-7-2017 09:57  Profile P.M. 
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do you guys use real photos of yourself for your profile?

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jeffzeke   11-7-2017 12:12  Acceptance  +6   Always use real photos, but can be blurred out to hide your face or any other identifying features. Then keep pics in p ...
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Post at 11-7-2017 11:56  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #1 jeffzeke's post

check out my reply in this post for my SA experiences in Hong Kong ... &extra=page%3D1

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jeffzeke   12-7-2017 13:12  Acceptance  +6   Excellent work!
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Post at 13-7-2017 09:28  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #18 aurufc's post

Seems like HK is a favorable place to hunt for amateurs on seeking-arrangement.  I've been trying other cities in Asia (namely Singapore, Taipei, and Tokyo) with very little success.
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Post at 9-11-2017 13:03  Profile Blog P.M. 
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update from response above about SA in Asia

As an update, I am now having much better success with SA in SG, Tokyo, Taipei!

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drunkmunky   10-4-2020 11:08  Acceptance  +2   can you post some more info about Tokyo please? Are you posting in and conversing in English?
Macau81   9-11-2017 22:41  Acceptance  +5   English for taipei? What r the prices like?

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