Subject: [USA] professionals vs semi-pros (seeking arrangement)
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Post at 9-11-2017 15:12  Profile P.M. 
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I newbie at SA,  and i have yet to have an encounter, but as i will be soon away from home for a work trip, i want to try and i prepare for It.

My main issue is privacy,
I don't want to reveal my identity to girls, but was asked to, as well as real pics. (no pics in my profile,  even private )
i think i will follow bros advice to put blurred pics.
I respond to the demand, i reply they could see me in real when we meet firstly outside (bar, Coffee,..)
But it seems real pics are for most girls a requirement.

For those in ongoing relationship (wife, S.O), do you conceal your status?

Other question about narrowing searches, excluding the   many the obvious GPS and GD girls, is better to go for fresh registered girls or those in already for a bit of time ?

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jeffzeke   10-11-2017 13:07  Acceptance  +8   better to disclose your marital status up front. For some it's no biggie.

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Post at 10-11-2017 05:49  Profile P.M. 
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I would upload pics but not have a main profile pic. If you like a girl then give her access to your private photos. If that is too much risk you may be in the wrong game. If you give a girl photo access and she doesn’t respond in 24hrs, I’ll then remove the photo access and block her and move on.

I search for recently active and recently joined. I’ve had luck with all kinds, regardless of tenure on the site.

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blast77   10-11-2017 11:05  Acceptance  +6   Thanks, will think about it

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Post at 10-11-2017 11:15  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #21 blast77's post

I have an old partial face pic which only really shows 1 eye as profile pic and a couple of non-descript private ones whihc, similar to Jake, I only share after a couple of chats.  i also go back and remove access if not moving forward.

In my experience you do have to share photos before a meet and having some private photos on SA gets more responses

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blast77   10-11-2017 16:38  Acceptance  +6   Thanks all y'all for your precious insight
jeffzeke   10-11-2017 13:08  Acceptance  +8   completely agree, girls like to see what you look like as well.
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Post at 10-11-2017 13:10  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #20 jeffzeke's post

@ Macau81  I will be heading to TPE soon and will report back any good finds from SA.
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Post at 10-11-2017 13:38  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #24 jeffzeke's post

posted this on other thread so apologies but starting to get to details with some HK girls.

Haven't used SA in HK in over 2 years so can any bros share current rates they are experiencing?


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Post at 15-11-2017 06:52  Profile P.M. 
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Question about Sugaring

So I'm a long time lurker and a 1st time poster.  I'm think that sugaring will be the way to go but need to run things through with some of the more experienced SD here.  Let's say you're using SA in your home base, how do you handle logistics after the m&g go well?  Do you let your SB know up front that you prefer her to host?  Also, I'm reading the reddit on SA, and it's concerning that you have SD offering private jets, first class flights and 5 star hotels.  I'm just hoping that the SB don't have these types of expectations from more modest SD.  All responses are appreciated.

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Macau81   15-11-2017 20:14  Acceptance  +1   Had a look on reddit and it's a great place to learn about SA.
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Post at 15-11-2017 08:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #26 VictorDelta's post

I think most SB would be okay with you hosting as long as your place isn't a dump or extremely isolated/inconvenient.

Private jets are NOT the norm. You can weed out some of that junk by doing due diligence on your initial search through profiles. Women that list Substantial or High as their lifestyle expectations are more likely to want that crap. If they talk about being spoiled or other key words, beware. But if any SB has outrageous financial compensation as an expectation, she is either: spoiled, delusional or a professional and probably not worth your time and effort anyway. Pick another one and move on.
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Post at 21-11-2017 09:35  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #26 VictorDelta's post

I agree with ramont's comments above.  Do not worry about SB's expectations if they are outrageous.  Just move on to the next candidate.  The ratio of SB to SD is at least 5 to 1, maybe closer to 10 to 1.   The ratio is in your favor.  

Just ask yourself, are there more good-looking young ladies who need $$ or are there more guys who have enough $$ to afford them?

Not every girl is available to host, so I would either find a cheap hotel room or host yourself, after you meet them and feel comfortable.
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Post at 21-11-2017 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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So, after only a month (less 4 days), my account has been permanently banned.
I don't *think* I said anything overtly sexual, in direct messages.

But they stated the reason as solicitation.
Surprising, and not, that they would go to this extreme with paying members.
What do they expect, for real?
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Post at 21-11-2017 23:33  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #29 liveabroad9's post


Did you move onto other messaging apps or just keep chatting sorting details/offers etc on SA?

After 2 or 3 exchanges in SA (some which include some details but vague at best) I am always on wechat, line etc
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Post at 22-11-2017 02:58  Profile P.M. 
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I got away with a 24-hour slap on the wrist for using the term "per meet" (or variation thereof)--even though that term was taught to me and used by the girls on SA!.  See this thread.

Since then, I've been very careful to chat only generalities on SA--and quickly, if theres any online rapport, move to Whatsapp or Wechat.

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sirtiger   22-11-2017 03:01  Acceptance  +1   Favorable

jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 23-11-2017 02:34  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by liveabroad9 at 21-11-2017 20:44

So, after only a month (less 4 days), my account has been permanently banned.
I don't *think* I said anything overtly sexual, in direct messages.

But they stated the reason as solicitation.

SA only takes action if they receive complaints.  Something liveabroad9 you said, in multiple communications, generated multiple complaints to get you banned from SA.  (BTW, i'm not judging...just making an observation.)

What you say and to whom (and where) has a correlation in terms of generating complaints related to your account.

Case in point (reference my previous post in this thread).  Asia/HK girls have no problem with "per meet" verbage... whereas I learned girls (not all, just some princesses) in USA may take offense to that term.  I therefore DO NOT USE "per meet" verbage with any girls on the SA interface any longer.

Note: see SA blog post on "per meet" verbage here http://blog.seekingarrangement.c ... to-reportable-salt/

[ Last edited by  jetsetting2much at 23-11-2017 02:37 ]

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Post at 28-11-2017 09:01  Profile P.M. 
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non-sexual meetups

Just wondering if any of you have had any non-sexual meetups via SA, not including an initial meeting. If so, how did you handle money/payment with that? For example, if you were to take a SB out for dinner and/or drinks or some other kind of date, but you did not have sex during that meeting (maybe because of timing or whatever), do you just cover the cost of the date or do you compensate extra for their time? Same rate as a sex encounter or different?

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drunkmunky   5-4-2020 13:41  Acceptance  +3   i met some girls that gave me a tour of their city and i bought them dinner and drinks and snacks.
jeffzeke   1-12-2017 04:15  Acceptance  +8   I compensate for their time at a lower rate.
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Post at 28-11-2017 09:26  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #33 ramont's post

If it was a regular SB ie on a monthly allowance, I would just cover dinner etc as that is kind of part of the deal and fun - not all dates were pure fuck meets.  

If it was a repeat on per meet basis, I think that only happened a couple of times - once because of an unannounced red river so I just covered the dinner as not really my fault and once because I had completely forgotten a conf call so I paid dinner & gave her HK500 for taxi money with apologies which she seemed alright with.

I think it all depends on the girl, the number of times you have seen her and the reason for not getting it on

[ Last edited by  aurufc at 28-11-2017 09:28 ]

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jeffzeke   1-12-2017 04:16  Acceptance  +8   Agree!
liveabroad9   28-11-2017 12:38  Acceptance  +3   Good Answer.
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Post at 5-4-2020 13:44  Profile Blog P.M. 
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I've learned to avoid those who say that they want a long term SD because I believe their expectations are too high for what they are worth.

I have to ask how you evaluate their photos?

I had an amazing SB experience in Mexico City and I want to go BACK to CDMX just to experience more girls like her. She had one photo, I barely thought it was attractive, and she turned out to be one of the hottest and most stunning women that I've ever had in my life. Our exchanges were brief, and it took about 3 weeks for us to connect because she has a full time job but oh my god the fruits of labor were wonderful.

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jeffzeke   6-4-2020 04:05  Acceptance  +10   thanks for sharing, and please share some SA reviews on the Restricted Area section.
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Post at 10-4-2020 09:45  Profile P.M. 
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@jeffzeke your reviews of SA have made me interested in giving it a shot. Do you have to pay for premium?

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jeffzeke   10-4-2020 10:52  Acceptance  +10   yes, definitely pay for premium for at least one month to try it out. A bit time consuming, but use some of the suggest ...
drunkmunky   10-4-2020 10:42  Acceptance  +1   you need to pay in order to have dialogue with the SB. pay via the website and you get 3 months @ $80 usd rather than $9 ...
ramont   10-4-2020 09:57  Acceptance  +1   I believe you have to pay for premium to read/reply to messages. Or maybe you can bypass that with a photo

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