Subject: Phillipines adventure
Lustful Lord
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Post at 7-8-2023 15:13  Profile P.M. 
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Phillipines adventure

Hi guys im gonna post what i wrote in a number of reports on another site in one big blog. read and weep!!

Finally started my Phillipines holiday, day one being arriving at 7pm.

1) at airport the airport taxi was 2000 php to makati. Politely told them I was paying Aussie rates in manila. Walked to where I could see the yellow cabs, cost 480. There’s no real taxi line, really weird. Just walk to the yellow taxis.

2) makati palace hotel. It’s okaaaaay. Terrible water pressure though, so no chance of some shower play with girls. Won’t stay again. There’s a restaurant down stairs in the hotel, it’s very good for lunch.

3) pre arranged PL was waiting for me when I arrived. Sexymay22. 5000 including video. She was very sweet and great ass, and I would see again. She’s just cool.

4) Lips, some lovely girls there. I picked two who were the funnest in getting my attention. But there were probably 4 hotter girls. Just under 18k to take the two out. Went to blue parrot (no one there but two cute girls) then to hotel. They were fun. Bbbj was just okay, the sex with each was really good though, they are best friends in the bar. I’d say they both would have stayed if I wanted. I’ll concentrate on hotter girls later, I wanted fun tonight.

5) 30 minutes after they left I realised the “no doze” caffeine pill I took was working and fuck it, I’m in Manila. Baby. So I walked down to Burgos, tried a bunch of bars at 2am. There bars were full of 6/10s. I didn’t get to Plan B unfortuntaly.I was a bit too tired awake to chat and fuck. I just wanted a long slow handjob to sleep. Picked up 2 massage girls after a Spanish Inquisition about their birth genders. There IDs, and later their vaginas, checked out. But sheesh there was one lady boy just before who almost hit me. The soft round face ones are harder to tell. Anyway they reneged a little on the video (though not entirely). The very hot body one had me grabbing and sucking while the less hot one put in a good honest days labour with her hands. A good combo, 6000 combined.

6) I stuffed up another PL visit in the middle but stumbled across makati massage (+63 916 765 6722 with permission to share). “Isa” is 39, 6/10 everything, maybe boobs and ass 7/10, but really great service if you like a loooooong slow unrushed, fun handjob. And who doesn’t sometimes? Highly recommend. 2500.

Off to Subic bay now

My Few das in subic bay has ended, so i will give a scrambled update of the next few days i had, in dot points and observations;

1) Cheap charlies is great fun even if the girls dont take out. Well i actually got one girl to stay the night...on the promise i'd give her 30k if i tried anything! This was because this girl and i genuinely like each other and want to spend more time. Anyway, great girls and if you are on holiday, this is more of a holiday bar. Drinks 250, girls get 100.

2) Voodoo - Drinks 300, girls get 100. Crappy little bar. Why 300 peso a lady drink then? Because the girls are more "hands on". Maybe one cute girl there. Adult fun bar.

3) Bottoms up - the great girls from last september are gone. While the new ones arent as pretty, they seem cool. There's a young spinner there that is confident beyond her years, and she deserves some business.

4) Showgirls - Drinks 300, girls get 100. Girls are okay, not great but speak well. The DJ looks cute.

5) HotZone - The only bar with a "show" and the girls seem fun. drinks 300, girl gets 100. Couple of cute girls here but nothing amazing.

6) Green room - relaxed sports bar, the girls surround you at first then go back to their side of the bar. its kinda funny. Drinks are 185 (they do not sell doubles) and girls get 75. Bar fine 3900 i think. Emmy or "Barbey" as she is known, as i said before, is a delight. I kinda have a "can only fuck a girl once" on holiday rule with my wife. So i actually barfined Emmy twice to just sleep over and not fuck. Why? Hangout with her and you'll understand. So open minded, non judgemental, positive, fun and ofcourse sexy. Oh she assures me there are a few hot girls there.

7) Mugshots - Friendly staff, but not hot. Drinks single or double. Double is 300, girl gets 100. Seems a little overpiced compared to green room.

8> Wet Spot -same price as greenroom (can walk straight through from greenroom. Stage for the girls, some are a bit cute, one or two may be hot. They were playing "Tweeter and the monkey man" by travelling wilburies. How friggan awesome was that. I had just requested it another bar to disapproving looks.

9) Lux - 240 for drink, girl gets 100.  I think barfine was 3000. This is a "hands on" bar again, and probably the nicest bar in Barretto. Girls are close to being hot, buuuut too skinny for me. But they seem nice.

10) Adams - Girls are very social and friendly and a few sports to play in the bar. I saw an old guy grabbing boobs and p*ssy and a waitress hand up his loose shorts for a while. Good on them and good on him. A good bar, simple.

11) Whisky girl - Has a stage and pool table and the girls, while not super hot, there are some smaller ones and some older ones still look good. They were fun to talk to.

12) Alaska - Had better girls than most places. I bar fined one, and she was great. Bit of baby damage, but just a great girl with enough other "assets" and "skills" to make it well worth it. I'm gonna guess the bar fine was 4000.

13) Queen Vic  - i went once but was no band due to typhoon. Shame i was looking forward to it.

14) Thumbstar -  Competing with Lux for best decore/furniture. The girls seem nice, i think there were two cute ones on another table but couldn't quite see. I'm guessing the food is good here too.

15) Rosies - I was about to head over from adams sports bar (accross the road, upstairs) but instead i watched it slowly get flooded. And the lights turn off one by one. So i didn't get to go. I did get to walk back to Greenroom in the middle of the street jumping over the literal waves of water from the cars. A foot of water on the side of the road. The rain stopped, i cant imagine what the flood would have been had it not. Oh and someone stepped on a big the friggan road!!

16) Bar Celona looks great...from Cheap charlies. But i was happy enough at CCs so didn't go over.

17) Pinalove - Met an amazing young girl (well 26). Simply perfect body and dynamite in bed. She's a strange one in that she has multiple (decent size) businesses and is a nurse, going to spain soon. But still does freelance for 3500. I guess to also meet foreigner (only interested in under 45). Anyway, saw her twice and what a great time.

18) Pinalove or Tinder - cant recall as cant find details - but got bait and switched. Not a big deal, but guys just ask them to take a photo that you can trust before meeting. If ur lazy, you get what you get.

19) Jeffu Japanese and Jewel are two pretty good restaurants. Central Park tower is still really solid choice and the girls really love it. But they have no food in the mini bar..weird.

Overall, for me 3 nights, which i extended to 4 nights was fine. No there are not a lot (read "any") of day time options for s*x, but that improves after a day or two with girls you meet or can be addressed through pre-arrival Pinalove or tinder girls. Anyway i liked it enough, and that was in a super typhoon. about an hour to get to AC. it was really fast.
Arrived in AC (central park tower) at about 3pm and had a girl from Pinal Love (Also on tinder) called Allondra22. She looks good in her photos, she looked...exactly the same in real person. Cut to the chase, she is lovely. She was absolutely aweseome to have fun with in bed. BBBJ was really great, he boobs are fantastic, her big ass felt great, and she really enjoyed f*cking and had some great skills. I'll definitely see her before she goes. I paid 5000, but you can get her for something with a 3 in front i think, and definitely for 4000. Do yourself a favour and see this girl if you like active participation.

Later went bar hopping;

1) Lollipop - A few really cute girls in Lollipop, it was too early to bar fine, but i really wanted to with this one girl. She was perfect. The bar is fun.

2) Lucifer - drinks seemed cheap there and a couple cute girls. One of the nicer bars.

3) Insomnia - seemed a bit like windmill in Pattaya. some girls were getting very involved with some older gentlemen and having a great time. I really liked this bar, in fact i'll start there tonight. Absolutely no pressure to buy a drink, their motto seems to be we are fun, why wouldn't you want to stay.

4) Aces - Mamasan remembered me from one night last september. UNfortuntely the girl i came to see, Rose, was away for a week. Damn. But really lovely staff, i bought a girl a drink..well i bought her ass a drink. It deserved two. Theres a 40 year old (spotlight) girl there who made it repeatedly very clear she want to give me a blow job haha.

5) Las Vegas - A few girls would stop staring at me, and the only one i liked never looked at me once. Don't you hate that.

6) Vikings - Great bar as you all know. Came close to bar fining a few girls. I will go back.

7) Dollhouse - nothing to see here, really weirdly terrible.

8> Baccara - I think a few girls looked nice but not quite what i wanted.

9) Sensations - Has some good energy and nice people. Bought a girl a drink, thought about bar fining, but couldnt see enough of her body to be confident.

10) XS - Seriously??!! This place is unbelievable and 5 steps above the others for entertainment. I know that may not be a priority for all, but it was genuinely entertaining. They have 300+ girls doing differnt shows. The glow/lazer show is simply excellent. The pole dancing was fantastic. I usually ahte this sort of thing. But it was great. I do not understand the economics. Most of the dancing girls just dance, they dont bar fine. So how does my few drinks and bar fine pay for all those enterainment girls earning 1000 peso a night (i was told)?!! I bar fined Janey. We went to mega dance at 12 and had a great time. She danced crazy with every girl nearby, and she was just great. IN the morning she was a little funny, and we actually didnt f*ck. Which was kinda weird as we got on so well, but i guess we just had such a great time it wasnt a priority when we got back and in the morning i could have but thought ehh i'll save it for another girl. Anyway 5000 bar fine and she was really great. Dont get me wrong - we did fool around a bit.

11) Next daytime - Cute girl at 123 bar. but on period. damn. Went to Q bar. It was okay the night before, a couple girls barfinable in quality. I picked the girl in white dress and the only one that didnt stare at me. (Im young looking, in shape and i get a lot of stares). She was about to get food so i just barfined her (4000) before talking to her. We go to Tuquila Reef (is that it?). She ordered a lot and ate very little. 700 pesos for nothing. Only said a few word to me during lunch, on my asking. Anyway, i know you should never bar fine a girl not showing interest. But i wanted to test the theory and she has tha best side boob going on (not massive but great), and i had to know more. Back in room she takes shower. I sit on bed and pull her in. She kisses. hmmm. interesting for someone so stand offish. I get the towell off. Ding ding ding, jesus christ...what a perfect body. PERFECT. She was just realllly shy, but certainy got into as we went. Not crazy style, but i could tell she loved it and some of the positions. All up it was all worth it. Jeeze, that body. Here name is Kate.

I cant recall where i go to in my last report, but i'll group a few days together from what i remember - Angeles City;

Party One Bar - 1500 peso for short time. Ofcourse this is the smallest bar in the phillipines, it is quite hillarious..especially when there are 4 girls in there. I took out Crezzel (or something like that), party to test if a 1500peso girl is really any worse than a 4000 girl (and yes i know the 4000 girl is 1500 for locals on her day off). Anyway, Crezzel is missing a couple of side teeth (which i weird find cute), but otherwise she was objectively beautiful. BBBJ was great, really great. Her body was really good. Sex was fun and intimate. So i highly recommend her. Another chubby girl in the bar looked very cute too if you like that.

Massage girl - JemalynBondoc - Pinalove. All i can say is this girl has had some terrible luck. I wont tell you how much i gave her to help her out, as im sure some people will get annoyed with me for being a human. But she has lovely hands and is very sweet, so do give her some work if you can.

69Rock bar - Rooftop bar...there was no sign on the ground level but i found the elevator (to the left of the pharmacy). Oddly designed space with the bar area in the middle taking up 80% of the rooms space...a desgin flaw im sure. BUT the girls are lovely/down right friggan hot, the pizza is pretty good (they actually cook the bottom). And it plays rock music. Only let down was the guy choosing latin rnb...when i came to listen to rock music. But he was spending alot of money so i get it. But still...its a rock bar, come on...stick to the theme.

Insomnia - I really like this bar as it has everything. Good entertainment from the girls, food, great layout, girls are fun and...hands on. No other bar i saw has this combination. Sure XS has better entertainment, but it doesn't have a fun atmosphere. Anyway i barfined Rea (dark skin and best ass in angeles). she was lovely. Actually Insomnia generally has the best ass ratio in angeles if that's your thing.

I have a girl visiting from Subic in a minute, so will be a quiet night. BUt tomorrow night i'll bar hop a little and try to get to MDC disco. If anyone has any bars they want me to check before i leave on Friday just ask me, im happy to.

Central Park Tower is still pretty good combo of everything - room, late night pool, food, access to walking street, very girl friendly.

Update to my AC adventure. My subic bay girl stayed two days instead on one, which killed my further barhopping plans. It was nice for her to go from saying she'd never barfine to saying fuck me harder. haha. Though the next day she turned back into conservative girl.

Mega Dance Centre - Had two nice nights here, though much busier on the Sunday than the Wednesday. Both times had a girl already so couldn't do much. But there are certainly nice girls doing laps, so grab a table and wait if you want to be a lazy hunter. Personally i perfer to see the girls in their preferred clothes to get an idea of their personaility, rather than seeing them in a bikini etc, though ofcourse the latter is better for ensuring no suprises later. Side note - ofcourse generally if a girl is covering a part of her body and showing another part you should be pessimistic about the bit being covered. Girls are stupid. But then you miss out on the absolute delight of later finding out the covered bit is great too. One of lifes greatest joys is finding some amazing boobs, butt or tummy previously being hidden. If you have limited time though...go to the bar for bikini.

Anyway, i had a Pina Love girl come over for massage and video as she was on period so sex was out. She was 2 hours late. So when she arrived i dropped the price from 3k to 2k. (i know 3k is high but wanted video). She agreed with me that i wasn't nice, but i was fair. The girl was Jowelaine012. She was okay. There was something sexy about her.

When my subic girl was here and was sleeping in...verrrry late..i decided to go meet another girl from Pina Love. Phiaaa2023. This girl is very slim, tattoos, okay butt and really great boobs - B cup but given she was so skinny, they seemed big. They were perfect shape and firmness. Anyway she was so light that standup/pickup s*x was easy and she has a beautiful face. Anyway i recommend her if you like small girls. I think i paid 4k.

That was about it, only other observations were;

1) As already stated by others, filipinas fall in love verrrry quickly. Most of the girls i saw wanted long time and would have stayed for days if i let them

2) They are addicted to their phones...and i mean addicted. I get it, there's not much more to do in AC, but you have to try to pry them away.

3) Trikes. The locals dont ask for price they just always give 100 at the end, fairly regardless of the trip length. If you ask they then know you are tourist and will ask for 150. So either tell them 100 period or say nothing and just give them 100 at the end.

4) The girls get drunk fast if not drinking their staple from the bar. 10 beers at the bar no problem. 2 cocktails at the club and drunk.

Just an update - My last night in phillipines was also in Manila.

1) New Coast Hotel - really lovely hotel and great location if you want to go LA, Z6. The dumpling place across the road is so cheap and so so good! Very girl friendly hotel.

2) I got a Pina Love girl for a couple hours when i first arrived (after 3.5hr drive from Angeles due to the floods). Sorry i lost her name when deleted the account. She was funny, she had a big tummy that made her look pregnant, but it was fine. And had really big and nice breasts, cute butt and pretty face. So i was happy. It was 5k and for those boobs i was happy. IM sure i could have got her for more like 3.5k if i wanted to haggle but i was in a rush.

3) Went to LA cafe to see a girl i met the year before, Jessa. Such a lovely girl and legs and ass are out of this world. I was going to get her to pick another girl for me but i was happy to just be with her as i'd already planned to spend the next day with her (9pm flight home). Anyway observations;

(i) She cost 7k normally. She was happy to see me for free but i want to help her so i insisted on paying..and to keep the line between customer and boyfriend clear. Her friend is also 7k so that seems the norm for 7/10 girls. Aparrantly some Japanese guys pay 10k short time, no problem. Hence why the girls swarm around them. I'm sure a lot of girls would take 5k easily.

(ii) Need to be careful with waitresses as drinks are expensive. I bought quite a few but i really like a couple of the waitresses and it was my last night. One waitress remembered what i ordered to eat from 11 months earlier on my single night there. not bad. But you do need to be careful.

(iii) The girls. I've never seen so many 6.5/10 girls in the one place, and i mean this as a good thing. Yes there are some 4 and 5s, but sheesh on a Friday night at least 30 6.5s with a few 7s. Later in the night, say midnight, better looking girls come in, im sure a saw a few 8s. There is one girl who walks around like she is a snobby queen. She looked at my disapprovingly, as though who was i to choose someone that wasn't her when it was clear we had some mutual interest. Maybe she remembered me looking at her last time i was there (last Sept). I remember her atleast.

(iv) Some girls sleep upstairs, its 150pesos per day. Just an FYI

(v) Dusk till Dawn - a couple waitresses are cute, but more importantly their pizza is really good. super thin and crispy.

(vi) The 3min walk from New Coast to Robinsons Mall (a nice mall inside) has lots of girls offering massage, and some look pretty cute.

Recent Ratings
Unitedfuture   21-8-2023 22:14  Karma  +2   
nomercy999   12-8-2023 21:49  Karma  +2   Good coverage of overall scenes in Philippines. Sounds tiring though
slipstream1   11-8-2023 14:42  Acceptance  +3   Good Intel
just44fun82   9-8-2023 13:20  Acceptance  +1   Good read, thx for sharing
littleitalia   8-8-2023 19:52  Karma  +4   Could have split into 4-5 reports but thx for good info. And some prices you paid are on the high side mate.
boscitc   8-8-2023 17:31  Karma  +8   
kukooo   8-8-2023 10:01  Karma  +5   Segmentation and pics needed, did not read through end
Kryddersvend   8-8-2023 09:06  Acceptance  +1   
Skepti10   8-8-2023 08:24  Karma  +8   Great stuff, I thought it was interesting and worth reading
Jade_moon   8-8-2023 05:51  Acceptance  +5   Different way of writing I guess. Would prefer finer details and photos.
Fkim   7-8-2023 22:35  Karma  +4   
Jjaa123   7-8-2023 20:43  Karma  +3   
frollics1   7-8-2023 16:33  Karma  +4   couldn't be bothered reading it all
JSH0073R   7-8-2023 15:16  Karma  +1   

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