Subject: Epic first visit to HK
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Post at 16-1-2022 10:19  Profile P.M. 
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Epic first visit to HK

(Note:  I wrote this in February 2018 and never had a chance to post. Better late than never!)


Let me begin by thanking this forum…especially your guidance for a newbie.  I recently took my first trip to HK and used the posts on this forum to explore punting for the first time.  I’ve dabbled a few times in the past, but never really had the confidence until I found this site.  That said, let me begin (apologies, for the length, but It’s the only way I can repay the site):

Pearl 1

After one day in HK, I’m ready to start.  Want to start safe, so I go online looking at agency WGs.  Lots out there, but I land on one site that has Thai WGs.  Reasonably priced at $1000HKD for 1 hour.  I go back and for and settle on Pearl.  Very small less than 100lbs and 5ft.  Cute face.  Probably early 20s.  Down a few beers and make the call.  Easy questions, call back to confirm room.  Will be there in 1 hour.  I wait anxiously.  Knock at door and am greeted by a cute young WG with a shy smile.  Very little English and shy.  I’m very nervous.  Not a good mix.  We go right to the bed and start hugging and LFK.  Then to the shower.  A bit awkward, but clean we are.  Head the bed.  I can’t see shit without my glasses (and I like to see so I can remember) so I put them on.  Naked guy with glasses on.  Awkward.  She arrives with a small hand towel and a smile.  Right into BBBJ.  Aggressive DT.  Nearly ready to pop after about 60 seconds. I pull her off and on goes the cap.  Mish is great but ready to burst including DFK.  Flip to doggy and there it is.  Over before it started.  I don’t know how to ask for seconds.  So we clean up and she leaves.  Damn.

Pearl 2

I’m ready for redemption two days later and I call for Pearl again.  Arrival is much better.  Hugs and kisses.  Some light banter but then right to it.  This time, I’m ready and asked for 2 hours.  Shower.  First session includes CBJ to CG to RCG to mish to doggy to pop.  Fantastic.  Some cuddle time and we are ready for round two.  Quick BBBJ, to end of bed pounding to doggy to prone doggy to finish.  Some strange giggling and clingy behavior at end of session…but I ignored it.  Did some good work.  Well done. Pride restored.  Ready for next.

Name:  Pearl

Age: 20ish

Face: 8/10 (cute with small features and nice smile)

Body: 7/10 (very petite, smaller breasts, not firm body, but soft and smooth)

GFE: 8/10 (especially during round 2)

PSE: 4/10 (willing and able to please, but I wasn’t looking for that)

Cost:  $1000HKD + $1500HKD (plus 200 each session for transportation costs)

Repeat:  Sure…I did.

Fuji Failure?

My confidence was growing so I said, what the heck, let’s try a walk-up experience in HK.  Spent the early afternoon psyching myself up and finally made the walk around 5pm.  Committed myself to not walking past the entrance five times, so I just turned and went in….and was immediately met by a queue of about 8-10 dudes waiting for the lifts.  Awkward for me…the others seemed not to care.  After standing and sweating for the lifts to load (gents would pack in and when too many guys were on, the lift would buzz and someone would need to step off…which I found hilarious for some reason) I finally made it to the 20/21? floor which was surprisingly clean and bright.  Let the selection begin!  (As an FYI, I went with the goal of finding a youngish petite Chinese woman with small breasts and a flat tummy.).  Not remembering advice from the board, I just started walking aimlessly down each floor not knocking or ringing bells, just waiting for someone beautiful woman to drag me in her room and ravage my middle-aged body.  The more I went down, the more anxious I got.  And running into the same guys wasn’t helping.  I think I saw one WG in the first 7 floors down. Then, I walked around the corner on floor 12 and there was a WG opening her door (probably just to throw out the trash) so I just walked in.  She seemed a bit surprised, but immediately went into action, sort of.  I just stood there…and she didn’t say anything.  She just pointed to the shower.  So I started to undress and figure out where to hang my clothes.  I started hanging things on random hooks until she showed me how to place them on this random stool in the corner.  She led me to the shower and washed me up.  I wear glasses so I couldn’t see shit so I just accepted a scrubbing including a slight swipe or two of the backside.  No BJ, just a few sudsy rubs from both sides.  LB had a half-hearted reaction as I was immediately regretting waling into the first open door I saw.

We dried off with a reasonably sized towel and then progressed to the bed.  Remembering my need to see, I put on my glasses and lied down on the bed.  She threw on a cover and stared with a CBJ which was nice and made LB respond.  After a minute or two, she was on in CG making some slight noise of some sort.  I made the poor decision of sucking a breast that was slapping me in the face.  It made my regret return.  So I flipped her to mish for a few more minutes and then decided to complete the final 30 seconds in doggy.  I was completed distracted by all the mirrors and kept trying to look, but then realizing what I was seeing wasn’t a turn on.  All in all, probably a solid 4 minutes from CBJ to finish…good lord.  Finishing shower and then dress and pay.  Not my proudest moment, but the checkmark was earned.

Age: 30ish…maybe?

Face: 7/10 (pretty and good smile, but lots of make-up)

Body: 5/10 (a bit of a struggle… breasts were disturbingly saggy and the tummy wasn’t a plus…but who am I to judge?)

GFE: 1/10 (probably because she was surprised I walked in and I was acting like a zombie…but she was very helpful to my sorry ass)

PSE: 5/10 (slight moaning, willing to switch positions, but I didn’t give her much to work with…I enjoyed the mirrors all over the room)

Cost:  $500HKD (I pointed to the price on the wall that said $688 and she said no, $500…must have felt bad for me and gave me the sad sack discount)

The Epic at Escape

Well here it is.  The epic finish.  I had made the decision to end my trip to HK by visiting Escape and attempting to pick up a WG and take her back to my hotel. What the hell, give it a shot.  So I cashed up (understanding that I would have to buy drinks) and walked in around 10pm.  The place was a desert.  A few dudes around the bar and 7-10 WG on their phones prepping for the evening.  I thought I would be able to walk in, pick a WG of my choice, buy her a drink, and walk out by 10:30.  Not so much.  None of the WGs seemed ready to chat at that time, so I picked up a pint of Guinness and starting walking around the bar like a caged animal.  Made eye contact with a few WGs who smiled back, but I didn’t have the balls to approach.  After about 15 mins, I was about to walk about and made a final lap.  And there she was.  Right at the front of the bar next to the band (which, btw, is rather good and has the hottest lead singer of all time).  She was maybe 25, petite, long hair, and smiling at me.  I waked right up and introduced myself and asked if she would like a drink.  She said yes and I said…yes.  She (Em) was from the Philippines, just came into town for a stint and was showing me pictures of her daughter and home within a few minutes. Great conversation (good English, but the loud music and her accent made it hard at times…more on that later).  Great sense of humor…joking around and busting my chops.  Loved it.  So I went for it.  Asked her to come back to my hotel.  She said not right now.  We needed to stay and have another drink.  So we ordered another drink.  Place stared filling up and she started getting closer, touching, slight kisses, more joking around.  Wonderful stuff.  Then it got nutty.

As we finished our second drink, I was ready to roll, but she said she had to wait for her friend to come.  I’m thinking two things…1) oh, shit, I’m getting played and will have to buy everyone drinks and/or 2) did she just say that she wants her friend to come back with us, too?  Her friend arrives.  Chloe was pretty, 30’s, nice firm body, more curves, but not my WG.  I wanted Em.  But I say f it and buy another round and another.  More chatting, dancing starts, Em pushes me and Chloe together for some grinding, I spin and twirl her around and she is loving it.  I grab Em to show my interest in her and dance.  In the middle of all this, Chloe totally falls off her bar stool and crashes to the ground with shit flying everywhere.  We rush over and she said she was trying to protect our tables from a bunch of guys.  The dudes are just staring at me in astonishment of what is happening.  I can’t believe it either, so we just start laughing and help her up.  Em kisses me and wants me to rub Chloe’s butt to make it feel better.  I oblige…and…now it clicks.  This.  Is.  Actually.  Possible.  I ask Em to take her back and the negotiation starts.  It’s loud, I’m getting drunk, Em’s English is going south.  It’s confusing.  I think she wants both of them to come.  So do I, but how?  Prices discussed. She asks to see something in my wallet.  I show her my ID, then my credit card…no, no.  Then my hotel room card – yes!  Then Em shows me her STD testing information…and I’m like WTF is going on?  Then Chloe shows me her phone.  It says left, left 7/11.  Walk out, go left, go left and meet at the 7/11.  This is going to happen.  I pay the tab and run out the door.  Left.  Left.  7/11.

For about 30 seconds, I’m just standing on the sidewalk smiling to myself.  And then I’m like, oh shit, did I get played?  This lasts about 10 seconds…and then they appear and I remember that 141 means 1 man 1 woman.  We are 2 women, 1 man.   You can’t leave like that.  We hop into a taxi and head to the hotel.

As you can imagine, I am fired up when we walk in.  Kissing, laughing, hugging, we start eating fruit, they are looking through all my stuff.  I don’t give a shit.  I suggest a shower.  Em says to go with Chloe, because she likes to watch girls shower.  Good lord.  I strip down and hop in.  Chloe joins me and starts washing me.  I’m watching Em through the glass door.  She is in the tub by herself washing her LS with the wand…and watching us.  Heaven.  No WBBBJ, just tuggy and ruby.

Out we come and right to the bed.  I undress Em and start grazing all over her body.  LFK.  Unbelievable.  Chloe is watching and rubbing me from behind.  No chance for DATY because Em asks for a cap.  I expect them to have them, but they ask me.  I only have two (more on this later).  On goes cap and we start in mish.  Now, I am below average in size and middle-aged, so no one ever accused me of being beast in bed, but from the start Em is moaning loudly. Amazing.  I start accelerating and Chloe starts covering Em’s mouth because it is too loud.  Another 2-3 minutes of this with Chloe rubbing my back and balls from behind and then Em pulls away and says it is Chloe’s turn.  I wanted to flip Em in about ten different positions, but what the hell?  Off goes the cap and on goes a new cap and Chloe starts on her back.  Em is kissing my ears and telling me how good I am and sucking my nipples.  Incredible.  I’m about to blow, so I flip over Chloe to doggy.  I push Em onto the bed doggy next to her and start rubbing her LS while I’m inside Chloe.  Heaven.  This goes on for a minute or two but I want Em.  I pull out and take off the cap.  But, shit.  No more caps.  We try and re-use the old one, but it’s not working.  Em spits in her hand and starts a HJ.  I say no, not like that.  We find the cap I used w Chloe and put that back on.  Em won’t mix caps so Chloe goes into mish and I start hammering away.  Em is DFKing me while I pound Chloe.  She is literally sucking the life out of me. Astonishing.  I finish.

Thank you Hong Kong.

Hopefully, I’ll be back soon.

Recent Ratings
zennor   24-1-2022 06:23  Karma  +5   Thanks for the memories. 2018 seems a lifetime ago.
jezzzz   22-1-2022 01:11  Karma  +5   great review, keep em coming
liveabroad9   21-1-2022 20:15  Karma  +3   Excellent
The_One_HK   20-1-2022 14:45  Acceptance  +1   
SalesGuy555   20-1-2022 09:50  Karma  +2   Outstanding!
nitesky6888   19-1-2022 02:34  Karma  +8   Excellent - hope HK recovers to 2018 times... 2020 and beyond has been bad
Fedo91   18-1-2022 10:44  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
PiR2_42   18-1-2022 09:12  Karma  +3   
Unitedfuture   17-1-2022 21:13  Karma  +2   Need to revisit HK! God knows when though
zebra   17-1-2022 17:09  Karma  +6   Awesome... 2018 feels like a lifetime ago
KoreShard   17-1-2022 08:52  Karma  +2   good post
anabikumi   17-1-2022 05:04  Karma  +3   
mrfrosty2049   17-1-2022 00:32  Acceptance  +1   Sounds like a great welcome to HK haha
_younghost   16-1-2022 21:50  Karma  +3   
JackTheBat   16-1-2022 16:39  Karma  +8   Good post, try not to wait four years next time!
Sandwhale   16-1-2022 15:51  Karma  +5   
HK_FDI   16-1-2022 15:22  Acceptance  +1   
americafirst141   16-1-2022 14:04  Karma  +5   
nu_omicron   16-1-2022 13:36  Acceptance  +1   
HK_Legend   16-1-2022 12:33  Karma  +4   "Check-In" time at Escape was 11PM; before some were hanging at JB. 1, 2 or 3 = No limit BUT you do NOT walk out WITH ...
stitzer   16-1-2022 11:34  Karma  +2   Can definitely relate to 'with glasses'
Nookie Newbie
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Registered 18-1-2022
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Post at 21-1-2022 07:29  Profile P.M. 
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What a way to end your hkg trip, with a threesome. Great report.

Recent Ratings
porkchops   22-1-2022 00:48  Acceptance  +1   Read the forum rules before posting any more non-contributary posts. Rate the OP, put your thanks and short comments in ...

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