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Post at 3-9-2012 10:35  Profile P.M. 
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Sunday Wanchai update

So, I hit my beloved Wanchai stomping grounds yesterday for the maid parade.  Had a mate with me and we chose to bounce around and see what places are "hot or not".  Usually I see Angelia on Sundays... but she's finished with me and my wanton ways.  We split-up last week, (after 3 years!) a sad scene outside Old China with tears steaming down her pretty face as she left me.  I felt very bad about it all.  

Anyway, my mate and I start at Queen Vic at 2pm for the traditional "warm up".  It was semi-busy with a couple of hotties and 1 SUPER hot and shy indonesian, Lisa.  Extremely pretty and fit.  We knew each other but I could not remember why (IE:  did I bang her a long time ago, or just have drinks???  I could not recall).  I decide to chat her up and we agreed to meet later than evening.  (I absolutely would have chosen her to head out if I was in the mood --- but the day was early).

Off to Bar 109 at around 3pm.  Packed, as usual, and a few hotties.  But it was not really a great scene:  a few really drunk arses, a bunch of the regular indonesian gals that are always there, and a few others that didnt get my heart racing.  We moved to Players but it was dead by this time.  

Off to Neptune 2.  Packed with girls with more streaming in.  A ratio of 50 girls to each guy.  Really.  But none of them were hot.  Seems this is now where all the older maids hang out to dance and socialize.  They were all pleasant and not aggresive, but just nothing all that exciting around.

We head to J.Forest and met up with a couple other mates.  It was humming along and there was plenty of talent!  A lot of hot gals and we all had one wrapped around us for some time.  Still a good place!!

Decided to try Escape as we heard they are tryng to get a Sunday scene going.  Nah....  75% empty and a sad vibe.

Well then.., off to the classic, guarranteed, Sunday-in-Wanchai-location:  New Makati.  It didnt fail to impress.  Busy, busy, tons of gals.  Lots of flesh and fun!

As I walk in the waitress says "hi Wander", takes my hand, and guides me to the back bar.  Hmmm..., why?  And there I see Angelia.  Looking as beautiful and sexy as ever - but alone and sad.  Kinda just hiding in the corner.

I head to her and reach out to gently touch her hand.  She sees me -- what will she do?  She hesitates as I see her mind jump around the options.  Will she bolt?  Will she come to me?  Her face is stern.

....., and then she softens and smiles and embraces me.  We kiss and hug.  

And then we drink and dance and cuddle, and finally run off to bang like honeymooners.  Ahh, my sweet Angelia has forgiven me once again.  

In summary:  New Makati and J.Forest remain your best bets for the Sunday Maid Parade.  Enjoy....

[ Last edited by  wander at 3-9-2012 10:39 ]

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WWHK   4-9-2012 11:33  Acceptance  +1   Wanchai sundays!
JJJ37   4-9-2012 07:19  Acceptance  +3   Whew...No gun bang bang
Frenchexpat   3-9-2012 14:02  Acceptance  +2   Oops you did it again! ;) how about that other girl in the beginning?
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Post at 3-9-2012 12:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

I was in HK this weekend. Had a meeting in CWB that finished around 8pm

I had arranged to meet a new gal of mine in Forest around 8pm

I thought it would be quiet by then but it was still bouncing lol and another thing I never realised about J Forest... Spirits are so cheap!

I ordered two vodka red bulls and there only 59 each!

I'm normally to pissed to remember what I pay in there.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 3-9-2012 14:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wander's post

Hey French.  I never did see Lisa again.  But she did say she was going to makati - so gotta hunch she saw me with Angelia.  


Damn petay!!  You were in wanchers Sunday? Shiite, we missed each other
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Post at 3-9-2012 15:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 wander's post

Yeah mate, it was kinda last minute for me & I just wanted to see this girl lol she sent me some sweet pictures

We just stayed in Forests & had some drinks with her friends. I was worried I would bump into my crazy ex who I knew would be in Makati

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 3-9-2012 23:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Petay_1283's post

But more expensive than wellcome beers and red wine shots we were having earlier in the day.  Lol

Wander: So typical of the wanchai scene - fight, forgive, fuck

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wander   4-9-2012 16:19  Acceptance  +4   Haha. So true
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Post at 4-9-2012 08:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Thai-delight's post

Hahaha yeah so true.

And free Pringles

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Post at 4-9-2012 11:29  Profile P.M. 
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Bar 109 really is a hole though there are often hidden gems in there, players is becoming a drugs den once again and agree that j forrest and makati are the best bets.  Nep two and three are packed on sunday afternoon but you have to look hard for anything you would want to pay for!

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sbs23   4-9-2012 12:16  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 4-9-2012 13:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 WWHK's post

Bar 109 is more of a drugs den than players dude!

Everytime I have been in players on a morning I hardly see any guys in there. When I go into 109 it is full of piss head guys from Saturday night who stink and can hardly talk.

109 is a total shit hole like you said. It just smells of vomit now!

My Sunday routine now is usually:

Neptune II (Best place at the minute on par with Makatai & Forest)

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'

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Post at 4-9-2012 15:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Petay_1283's post

Bar 109 not popular with drug takers as there is no where to take drugs without getting a nose full of piss/vomit/shitthough no doubt a lot of the guys left over from sat night are full of something more than booze

Players has been quiet recently but on most nights after midnight it is full of people who seem to use the bathroom a lot ...
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Post at 4-9-2012 16:23  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah, its turning into a bit of a different scene lately.  Last time I was there two guys were fried out of their minds on something and being real asses.  Kinda ruins the place.
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 4-9-2012 17:13  Profile P.M. 
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Wow this is a call for trouble as the police will certainly (and understandably) raid the place at some stage...why cant mongering bars be just that? Damn people, my only drug is getting laid dontwant some junkie messing around there!
From what I saw, Escape seems pretty clean (dont think there is any place for this anyway there and wouldnt mess around with the bouncers there!!!).
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Post at 5-9-2012 19:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 Frenchexpat's post

From what I have seen, most bars here in HK are pretty clean.  Even Players.  We see what we want to see, right?  If you are not looking for the telltale signs than you wont be bothered by it.  I was in Los Angeles recently on the Sunset Strip(I won't say the bar's name), but there was more obvious drug-taking there than i have ever seen in HK.

So, it happens everywhere.  But Hong Kong, it my opinion, has a MUCH less aggrrssive scene around it.  It happes a lot, no doubt, but it is just rarely in your face.
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Post at 6-9-2012 09:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Petay_1283's post

Queen Victoria is also a good place. Cheap beer at the very minimum to get you warmed up. Neptunes 2 is also good for drinking as you get the buy one get one free beers, but the girls are just average and most are not really there for rooting.

WWHK: 109 does have an area upstairs.  Takes awhile for anybody to make the climb. That said, popping a pill (the drug of choice nowadays) takes all but one second, so you don't really need to find an area where you're alone.

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JJJ37   9-9-2012 00:16  Acceptance  +3   QV, sweet stripper pole :D

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