Subject: Shanghai - Best Area to Stay for a Newbie and general advice - help please!
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Post at 12-8-2010 11:00  Profile P.M. 
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Shanghai - Best Area to Stay for a Newbie and general advice - help please!

Hi guys,

Just looking for some help or direction on the best to stay in Shanghai to partake in some extra curricular activities.  I've tried reading through some of the forums but a lot of them are restricted or not that current.

I'm going to be there from Oct 23rd to Oct 26th and I'm a chinese canadian that doesn't speak mandarin and is like a 2/10 on the cantonese scale. My friend has taken me to DG before which was amazing but this will be the first time I'm on my own so any help would be appreciated.  

I'm contemplating staying either at the Westin Bund or Sheraton in Pudong(which is more convenient/better?) or open to other suggestions.

As for activities, for low hassle and good quality what are my best options?

Sauna - I read Golden 18 or something is good, is it easy to get to?  I'd prefer a taxi but don't want to get taken somewhere else.
Outcall - I haven't really done this but what's the best site if I choose this route?  Will I have any issues at my hotel?
Picking up - I don't know if this an option, not sure if I want to hit some of the bars on my own...any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for the help...I'll be heading to Macau later on the trip but I think that's easier with the saunas everywhere...
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Post at 13-8-2010 17:55  Profile P.M. 
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I am in Shanghai right now, and I can tell you the scene is pretty quiet.  The Expo will just be ending when you are here, but it will probably be a while before things bet back to the way they were (if ever).  For low hassle you could try craigslist, but the quality is generally on the low side and you never know what you are going to get.  As far as I can tell, the girls know how to deal with any hotel situation.  And you can make sure they speak English because after you SMS them they call you back.

Since you are only here for 3 days I would just save your money for Macau.
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Post at 14-8-2010 12:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 kaleu's post

Doh...thanks for the head's up.  I really was hoping to check out a sauna to see how they compare to Macau or DG.  Oh well, I did find some escort agencies so I guess I can give that a try are right about the craigslist, probably too sketchy.
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Post at 14-8-2010 22:58  Profile P.M. 
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RTFF and you can get a wealth of info.  Trust me.

Bend Over Here It Comes Again...
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Post at 15-8-2010 08:46  Profile P.M. 
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Shanghai scene

Generallly  SH  is   pretty  quiet ,  and   if  you    meet a  real SH  girl   she  will cost an  arm   and a  leg.  99% of the  girls  are  form   poorer  provinces.  The local    english  language  newspaper  (  SH  Times  of  something like    that  - available  in most hotels )  has    whole  page  of     ads  for     Escort/ massage  +  mobile numbers.  I never tried  any of them, but  I heard tha  they   charge  RMB1,500  - 2,000  of    a   2-hour  trick.  Overnight   2,500.    Quite  safe and  no probolem  with the  hotel  :  these  days  no  hotel  ( except a    few  snooty  5  stars) cares  about  security   for   walk-in girls. Most  hotels  at  4  stars and below    will have a  beauty  parlour,  This  doubles  as   a   genuine   beauty  parlour and  a    send-a-girl-to-your-room   24/7  service.  But  not   cheap  -   RMB  for a  massage    and  HJ  ( girl   clothed) , maybe  1,000   if  she  strips  , and  up to  2,000  for  the   full  package.  You can  negotiate a  bit. Overnight  they  quote   5,000  so I never  even bothered  to       nego.  Also, many hotels  have a  night  club  or  KaraoK   - often on the  top floor.    There   the girls double as   kakaoke   hostess  sing-along  girls  , paid  by the   hour  ( 100-150/ hour)   and     take out  girls.  Being in the hotel  it's  100% safe, and they won't  rob you, but the   system  does rob  you, because     after the  Mama san    negotaiates   1,500  for  an all  night  ,  she  then  asks  for  200 as her  tip and  another 100  for the    guy behind the bar ... and    and... so  you   end  up forking our  2,000.   Then  about   1 hour later    the girl   comes  - but  maybe  not the   girl  you  chose  and    she   does  not know  anything about  any overnight   deal/ just thinks   it's a  one-time  trick   blah  blah  .  By this   time  it's  2.00  AM and  you are  too tired to      go back and       talk to  the  mama san  , so  you    have a  quick     fck and   let the      girl  go.  Rule  No 1  :  NEVER   force a  girl to  stay overnight  of  she  doesn't  want to.

Same  same  case  with  bar  girls  (  eg  Manhattan  Bar )  :   99% are     Thai / Philipinas/   VietNam  :     you  go there  at    23.00  PM  , look around,  choose  one    and  nego  1,000  for overnight and  she  says she  loves  you.  Back  at the  hotel     you have  one   fck,   then  she       rushes    you   for a  2nd  fck  but  you are  too tired,  then    she  says  she cannot  stay  after all and    you  are so pissed  off you      let her  go. of course  she' s  back to the  bar  hoping for another   trick  before the  night  is over.  

Lesson  :  quality  does  NOT come   cheap !  

BUT  !  There  IS  hope !  Especially  if  you speak some  Chinese.   There  are    several  very  good   sauna/ massage  (  NOTE - essential  to look for  SAUNA/ massage).  There  for  about  RMB800  you  get the   full  Bangcock  deal :    choice of  girls  behind  window,   private room,   full   numa   B2B massage  on the  lilo  with lots  of  soap, ( and    sometimes    fck  of  HJ  or  BJ), then   dryoff and      go to the   massage  bed  where    you  can have a   leisurely     2nd     fck/ HK/ BJ   until the   90 minutes  is  up . GREAT   DEAL  !  Leaves  you so  tired     you    don't  have the energy   for  another  girl  . Note- rates  are  usually   780 / 90 minutes  before    19.00  PM  the   880/ 60 mins  after  19.00  till closing  (    about  2.00  AM)

My best   deal    is   a  cutie  girl  I met  at  one  such massage place near  my hotel  in Puxi.  I call her  when I arrive  SH  and  as soon as she   clocks  off  at about  1.00  AM she comes to  my hotel.  She's a  reall  all-nighter ,  multiple   fcks and   all the   skills  of a   massage  girl  (   HJ/ BJ,  whatever  .  I  give   her  RMB1,000  which I  discreetly  slip  into her  handbag  at some  thme    during the  night.  She   happily  leaves whenever I want,  be it  07.00  or  11.00  AM .

Key here  is to   first  go  to the  sauna / massage  and  find a  nice  girl,  get her mobile, and then   she's  your  date  for  the  rest of    your  stay  in SH.

BTW:  the  same  deal works  in any big  city    where  there's   sauna  / massage

And to find   suana/ massage ,    taxi drivers  usually  know

The  girls  are   really happy to   earrn  a  few  extra   1,000 / night  deals  on top of their      sauna  takings  and  they are often  really n ice  girls, only on the  job to  help   finance    their  younger  brother  through  school or  sick parents

Hope   this  is  useful
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Post at 15-8-2010 16:57  Profile P.M. 
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Essentially correct, but I have never heard of a Shanghai KTV girl sitting for only 100-150 an hour.  And you can get a good massage with HJ for about 250 if the girl doesn't take her clothes off.
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Post at 16-8-2010 02:14  Profile P.M. 
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if you go to the nice bar area in xintiandi, there are a lot of foreigner working girls there.  For instance, from south america.  You can spot them by looking for hot girls who are alone drinking a glass of wine outside for a long time.  Just sit down and they will ask you what you want, and take it from there.  but be advised, since they are foreign, they are more expensive than locals

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