Original Post

19-4-2023 22:26
Temple Street disgustingly dirty......... and I want to go back!

I thought I would never post here. I am only a taker, and not a giver. I browsed the site to fulfil some hidden desires, but never acted on it. Recently I made a deal that if a business deal was successful that I'd finally find a paid girl.

I am so lame, even after the deal was completed I still kept talking myself out of sex with a prostitute. I am from an ultra religious orthodox family. Maybe it's hard for you to understand me, but perhaps it is hard to understand anyone if you haven't been in their shoes.

I live on south HK island, so not much action around me anyways, but I found myself is TST tonight. I randomly got a taxi to Temple Street on a whim. I thought if I can't bring myself to contact an agent for a hotel girl, and I can't enter a sex building maybe I could walk by and do some window shopping.

I didn't know exactly where to look on Temple Street and I did not want to stare at any normal girls disrespectfully. I walked up the street nervously - my heart was pounding rapidly and my hands sweaty and cold. I walked up and then back down the entire street and saw no one that I could be sure was a sex worker. I decided to give up and head home, but was quite thirsty due to the humidity. I found a 7-11 and went in for a water and ice coffee. As I stepped inside I happened to glance down the street and saw two girls. I almost feel over due to my lack of coordination in that moment as I both stepped inside and tried to look more closely and carefully. My nervous heart pumped madly again so much so that I could feel my chest moving from the pressure. I hurriedly bought my two drinks and nervously stepped back outside to confirm whether what I saw was accurate or not.

On stepping back outside I caught a firm view of some scantily clad ladies and I slowly walked in their direction while looking back to the canter of the street with all the stalls selling basic HK junk. Maybe the girls knew I was looking but not looking and as I walked past one of them reached out to me and gently touched my hand.

I felt like a prey, a deer stuck in the headlights frozen and overcome in the moment, petrified. I was not in control of myself. I turned my head to look at her and she smiled at me. A gentle smile and I immediately felt a rush of blood in my pants. I did not know what to say, I just stood there with my body facing away from them, but with my head turned and fixated on them. My mouth was open. She reached out her hand again and took my hand in hers. I let her. She turned to walk away and pulled me along. I followed. I don't know where we went. I just remember walking up some damp disgusting staircase, entering a cramped subdivided flat and her closing the door behind me. As soon as the door shut my heart pumped again and lots of fears and doubts raged in my mind. I need to leave I said. I do not know whether she understood me, but she just calmly motioned for me to hand her some money and showed me three fingers. I fumbled in my pocket and gave her 500, and turned to go. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Suddenly she spoke. No bathroom in room, come on bed.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me - her voice pulled me back, and again I turned around. I could feel the blood in my stomach turn. I cannot recall the last time I felt anything like this. Probably years ago the first time I was with my ex-wife. She pulled me towards her and we collapsed onto the bed. She helped me to take off my pants and laughed to see that I was already fully erect and now somewhat hyperventilating due to the nervousness and about everything wrong with this situation. She held my dick. Her hands were soft and that contact flicked a switch somewhere deep down inside of me. I couldn't see anything. I had tunnel vision and the only thing in front of me was this girl lying backwards and urging me to come forward. So I did. I did and I cannot tell you how great it was going inside of her. I don't have details and I don't know all the lingo you guys like to use. But my gosh it was magical. Laugh at me all you want, but I made love. Absolutely. It was sensual, it was exciting and it was the most fun I have had in who knows how many years. As soon as i finished my vision expanded and I noticed the disgusting room once more. What in the good name of sanity was I doing there. I needed to leave. I hurriedly starting putting on my clothes suddenly unwilling to admit to myself what I just did.

Back at home I decided to share this. I wrote most of it in the taxi. I am torn. I want to go back again, I can feel that every inch of my body wants to go back and find her. My brain says no. Stay home. Live your righteous life. Stay away. But I want to go... I must go, but I also must not go back and indulge in this. Torn. Forgive me for sharing. Just needed to vent. I might delete my account.

manhands 19-4-2023 22:39 Karma +4 Crossed the rubicon well done! Bonus for the post nut clarity…
stringbean 19-4-2023 22:59 Acceptance +1
Susanlixxx 19-4-2023 23:01 Karma +4 It is natural to feet this way. The shame is the problem.
toey_toad 19-4-2023 23:16 Karma +6 What a place to start. Maybe try some walk up buildings, those should be less intense.
jc128 19-4-2023 23:41 Acceptance +1 amazing you have been lurking so long and you have only posted once! Maybe that is karma!
billshepard16 20-4-2023 01:03 Acceptance +1 Welcome to the brotherhood, bro
dimw77 20-4-2023 01:09 Acceptance +1 Excellent. Glad you shared your story.
littlefinger 20-4-2023 02:04 Karma +2 Is there a name or location for the girl in ur first adventure? Nice story doe.
sguniy 20-4-2023 05:09 Acceptance +4 I had the same feeling my first time was a 161 flat and I was in heaven after that first time.
Rayguy 20-4-2023 05:52 Karma +5 Great story
john.cvb 20-4-2023 12:08 Karma +2 First time is always the hardest! Welcome to the group!
Mandoggy 20-4-2023 12:08 Karma +3 It gets better with time :)
JackTheBat 20-4-2023 13:26 Karma +10 Maybe this hobby is not for you, what do you think? Good luck.
nitesky6888 20-4-2023 13:39 Karma +10 Congrats on venturing to an area not for the faint-hearted but oh so great!
clampbottom 20-4-2023 14:15 Karma +2 I can totally understand how you felt. Guilty pleasure unfortunately
unknownst 20-4-2023 15:00 Karma +4 it gets easier, not sure if you wanted to hear that or not
hotjac 20-4-2023 15:49 Karma +5 great read - it brings back many carnal memories' similar thoughts. One thing, was it raw? there's no mention of a co ...
littleitalia 20-4-2023 17:36 Karma +3 Cool, mate. Reminds me of losing my virginity lol. Just think of the hundreds to come in the future
jackgoro 20-4-2023 18:14 Karma +4 great read! a few more times, it will become second nature haha
Sandwhale 20-4-2023 19:13 Karma +5 Good job, you're braver than me to venture to Temple street, there's easier places to start, hope you used protection
energylung 20-4-2023 21:07 Karma +3 Dont worry - shame is part of it and I def feel it! It's a balance and part of a journey to find yourself. Hard to say ...
chemical 20-4-2023 22:28 Karma +2
Jclaudepandamme 20-4-2023 22:35 Karma +2
Up8 21-4-2023 00:23 Acceptance +2 Always the feel of she after the enjoyment. To be fair, going to buildings or hotels will help reduce that, I'm pretty ...
zennor 21-4-2023 04:46 Karma +5 if this is wrong, it's pretty righteous in my opinion.
HK_Legend 21-4-2023 10:02 Karma +6 Maybe try the usual HK island "nests".
Quade 21-4-2023 19:58 Acceptance +2 Excellent
Burton6999 21-4-2023 22:50 Acceptance +1
Ecy29 22-4-2023 09:24 Karma +3
jezzzz 22-4-2023 09:58 Karma +6 candid, wonderful read brother
manofdahouse 22-4-2023 10:33 Karma +5 Welcome brother
Flybydr 22-4-2023 11:43 Karma +5
Theo4321 22-4-2023 13:12 Karma +3 welcome to the brotherhood!
Wandering_sg 22-4-2023 14:36 Acceptance +1 fantastic story
boscitc 22-4-2023 14:58 Karma +8 Just never EVER take out your shame or anger around it on the women you see. I've seen that too many times.
LittleWing 22-4-2023 16:18 Karma +3 Thanks for the honest story. I think it would be much less stressful in a walk-up building than your experience...
hornylad 22-4-2023 19:14 Karma +3
gwailoplayer 22-4-2023 19:22 Karma +3 good effort, but this hobby may be too stressful for you
HKGPeter 23-4-2023 12:50 Karma +3 Thank you.
zeebee 24-4-2023 21:00 Karma +5 thx for sharing
Danialliaw 24-4-2023 23:25 Karma +4
sexyloser 24-4-2023 23:53 Karma +2
NewbieHere 25-4-2023 01:32 Acceptance +1
americafirst141 25-4-2023 09:35 Karma +6
sfaznm 28-4-2023 06:40 Acceptance +1 Fantastic read. The need for release and satisfaction is real. Let go of your paranoia and try connecting with an indep ...
jake.houston 2-5-2023 10:05 Karma +10 Welcome to the dark side….
beefbroccoli 17-7-2023 09:59 Acceptance +1

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