Original Post

22-2-2018 15:42
Japanese Weird Sex Escapades

I cannot put this one in the punter section but it is worth noting.

I live in HK but travel to Tokyo for work a few times a year. I have a couple of goto women I have met for good times over the years in Tokyo. Japanese women can be a bit assertive and strange sexually, especially once they get comfortable with you. Last trip to Tokyo I was out with a girl Yuki I have know for a year. She is a mid 30's single Japanese women that sometimes does punting on the side from her office job. (this is how we met a while ago) I went out with Yuki and some of her friends for izakaya (Friday beer and bar food) Her friends did not speak much English but through Yuki translating we had an enjoyable evening. Yuki and I went home that evening to my hotel and had an even more enjoyable night.

Flash forward a few days and Yuki texted me something crazy. One of her friends there at the Friday dinner had always had a rape fantasy, perhaps a passing fantasy but Yuki and her friend talked over the weekend. Junco (her friend) asked Yuki to ask me if I would play rape her. When Yuki texted me I was not even sure who Junco was at the dinner. Also I thought she was kidding. After some exchanges Yuki told me that her friend Junco had a fantasy about getting raped by a foreigner. I still thought she was joking so I said lets talk later when we meet again. The following week I had meetings but met Yuki on Monday and she reiterated what her friend said.

Here was the lowdown.
Her friend Junco wanted me to play rape her in her apartment. It all sounded too extreme for me. The senario was I would go to her flat and the door would be unlocked and I would go into Junco's apartment after she fell asleep and have sex with her. This sounded to me like a million things could go wrong with this fantasy. Police and jail, etc. Yuki told me that she would go with me and wait by the door in case anything went wrong. I decided cautiously ok with the intention of backing out at any time. There was not set day of the week when it was planned it was just suppose to happen sometime that week.

Towards the end of the week I met up with Yuki again and we went out to a beer bar until late. We both got a pretty buzzed. At this point I had decided that the Junco request was a little extreme and I would not go through with it. But towards the end of the evening Yuki started to dangle a key for me purse and said it was the lobby key to Junco's apartment. Her front door will be unlocked. I was too buzzed to say no. I said as long as Yuki would go with me.

We took a long taxi ride, man and an expensive one at 2am to Junco's apartment. A four floor walk up. Yumi's front door key worked and we walked the stairs. I was so nervous. Yumi pointed to the door that was Junco's. It was unlocked and I could feel my heart pounding. I still thought I could turn around. Yumi did not go into the flat. I walked into the doorway and there was a kitchen area. I could see a tv on in the next room. I took off my shoes and took about 2 minutes just to slowly walk into the room. Thank god the tv was on so I could navigate in the darkness of a strange apartment. The apartment was so tiny, just the kitchen and that bedroom. The girl Junco was asleep in a single bed. I then remembered who she was from the Friday dinner.

I undressed quietly and moved towards Junco. What followed was the play rape. It lasted about 10 minutes. She said things in Japanese. Half pushed me away and half consented. I was a novice at this so I felt Junco was guiding me a bit. I did get into it finally and held her down and was able to enter Junco. Don't want to go to much into the details. Once I finished Junco just lied there with her eyes
closed. I felt during the sex she was wet and I was only half right. I caught her a little early in her cycle and she was on period too :-() kinda messy. I grabbed a some tissue to clean up. I dressed and walked to the front door where Yuki was waiting. Yuki was giggling and asking me how it went.

This was such a crazy experience. In the end it was a turn on and glad I did it. I am sure I will meet this woman (Junco) again at a dinner. I am sure she will act completely normal around me. This could have gone wrong in a million ways. I know how Japan is. Where the norm is more kinky. When in Rome, do as the Romans!

porkchops 22-2-2018 18:28 Acceptance +5 Great story!
blast77 22-2-2018 21:25 Acceptance +6 Interesting experience, thanks sharing
Pinkpuffy69 22-2-2018 22:59 Acceptance +2 Lol this actually happened to my brother. He didn't do the fake rape though. Too weird for him.
batman108 23-2-2018 02:15 Acceptance +2 Awesome and thanks
koroquet 23-2-2018 07:35 Acceptance +3 good for you. i wouldn't be able to get it up in a situation like this. too nerve wrecking.
adrenal 24-2-2018 08:53 Acceptance +6
kingstada 26-2-2018 06:18 Acceptance +4 so lucky!
UncleDad 26-2-2018 21:57 Acceptance +4 Think about it this way... You just realised some girl's fantasy. Good for you!
jeffzeke 28-2-2018 09:15 Acceptance +10 not an uncommon fantasy, but uncommon to actually act it out. Good job bro!
Petay_1283 28-2-2018 15:24 Acceptance +10 Excellent
deviantmindhk 6-3-2018 11:26 Acceptance +1
Lumbergh 26-4-2018 12:07 Acceptance +1 I would have gotten recorded consent first. GJ though.

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