Original Post

13-2-2011 13:44
website stats and 141 DB pix from 2004

"please Mr SEAJ sir don't be mad sir as i have not posted for days, too busy freezing my baby orangutan ass off [insert avatar of distressed-looking baby-orangutan here]...do email me bro, I like to see you in real, no matter where you are in this universe."                 

busy writing the Red Ant story plus work is revving up after the New Year, plus battling some low-level respiratory angst. but in the spirit of IDLE CHAT THREAD (yeah!), here's a couple of items.

i'm sure a few of you have discovered this thus far, but here's some stats on what's surfing the 141 site:

WHAT not who: #1 is of course Windows-powered boxes, but a close second is "Spiders." before anyone flips out or wonders if spiders have gotten Net-savvy or Skinny Forum's dancing-Spidey avatar has taken over, this is shorthand for "spiderbots" or "webcrawlers": automated programs that sift all Internet data looking for keywords and other specific bits of data--they're doing research for search engines. all the big companies--Google, MS, Yahoo etc--use them, but there are other bots out there. the simplest explanation of these automated programs i could find is here:

like anything on the Net, these can be good or bad. best practice is to list as little factual information about yourself as possible in your profile. any SEO experts or bot-programmers are welcome to comment.

once you get past the large percentage of spiderbots, the stats are right in line with market-share: 8.4% of us use Macs while 0.6% use a Linux-powered machine. the browser-stats show 141 punters are savvier than average Net-users as 54.6% use a Mozilla browser (almost all Firefox, although there ARE other Mozilla browsers). yet 26% still use Microsoft's Internet Explorer. my advice: if you're using IE, ditch it for Firefox NOW. some sites may still require IE but just because Microsoft thinks it should be your default browser doesn't mean you have to agree.

the curiously named "Other" category comes in at 19.1%--probably a combination of Chrome and Safari. Opera commands a 0.2% share, but if you're wondering why your Windows box crawls like a slug with IE in its belly (and can't/don't want to use Firefox for some reason), try downloading this free/light/fast Norwegian-built Web browser. it also works very well on mobile phones.

so much for the Nerd-O-Scopic view of sex141.com. i was digging in my foto archives and found some sex141 DB pix i downloaded in May 2004. a bit odd as i wasn't living in HK then but i think perhaps by then i was considering a move back and decided to check the local talent. interesting to see how primitive their use of Photoshop was back then, but i'm sure the B&S and general wiggliness of 141-triangulation was much the same.

needless to say, don't go looking for any of these gals--i'm putting an RA 30 on them as they WERE WGs so...respect!

here's "Bird"--my notes indicate she worked at Prince Edward:

nice eh? well here's "Fujiwara" and doesn't she seem like a barrel of laughs:

looks like she ate a barrel of lemons. poor Fujiwara. OK, here's Ja Ju:

smoking hot bod, too bad about the face!   was that crude Photoshopping or did someone just stick a piece of paper on the foto? Ja Ju's ID number was ID#85--one of the original 141 WGs!

now this next one is just labeled "No Name":

aww, look at that nipple-obscuring pink heart! Wong Yin here:

looks good, without any nose-shaving or eye-widening courtesy of P-shop abuse!

any memories come flooding back, fellow punters?


[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 13-2-2011 14:06 ]

captaincaveman 16-2-2011 11:26 Karma +1 classic pics of 141

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