Original Post

24-1-2011 21:21
this thread's moving too fast for ME

MAN! spend a day at work, get home and there's like a dozen entries and twenty breasts. thanks for the fun fotos, SEAJ.

i'm consolidating this reply, i think there's a value as too many entries may disenchant would-be readers. on a SINGLE topic, not such a big deal, but remember this thread covers just about ANYTHING. for specific stuff, read the forum, OK OK.

"Gaussian blur" (available on the Net but also a Photoshop filter) is named after Gauss, who--if yr interested in braniacs like Nikola Tesla etc--is in that league. ever see a old TV with magenta and/or green corners? a magnetic anomaly cured by, yes, a degaussing coil. it's pure math so while i recognize his genius ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss) Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (30 April 1777 – 23 February 1855) was a German mathematician and scientist who contributed significantly to many fields, including number theory, statistics, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, geophysics, electrostatics, astronomy and optics.) i'm more interested in less esoteric braniacs who are high-voltage freaks (i.e. Tesla). although Victorian visionary Charles Babbage is fascinating. if u even know what i'm talking about, read "The Difference Engine," by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling: an alternate-reality set in 1855 London. those guys were steampunk before there WAS steampunk.

Cap'n, thanks for the kind words. i'll post some pix i like and see what the community here thinks.

probably the interesting thing about south east asia my sister told me she met some european tourists in bangkok. my sister and her friends were saying thailand is so cheap. but the europeans said it is expensive and they should go to vietnam, cambodia, or laos. i thought 30 baht to one us dollar was good but you can get a whole lot more in those other countries.

it depends how u travel and what u do. u can stay at hotels in Phnom Penh where the nightly room rate is equal to avg per capita ANNUAL income. u can stay in hovels in Thailand (esp upcountry) and eat at streetstalls and nightmarkets. i remember checking my email once in BKK when some young lad sat next to me and Skyped his mom. "it's so CHEAP here, DVDs are only one pound!" bellowed the whelp, apparently having never encountered pirated products before. i had a hard time keeping a straight face with him shouting things: "this place is the BEST! went to the Full Moon Party and there's TEN THOUSAND people! but, i cut my foot really bad on the broken glass, but Andy cut his foot WORSE, cuz they break bottles everywhere, but i already hurt my other foot so for awhile, I HAD NO FEET (that isn't paraphrased, he really said that)...but, this is the best place EVER. it's so cheap!"

i hope the NHS doesn't charge too much for tendon-surgery and removal of glass splinters. "i had no feet"...how much is THAT worth?

anybody here have heard about Mae Fah Luang University in Chiang Rai in Northern Thailand?
It's supposed to be the first and only University in Thailand that uses English as the medium of instructions, and a friend of mine is just RAVING about some of the good looking students attending. Cosmetic Science is one of the majors there and there is supposedly a LOT of good looking gals majoring in this!

a lot of unis in TL teach in English, graduates from say, Chulalongkorn U in BKK (considered TL's #1) generally achieve fluency, but critical thinking there still isn't much better than upcountry. if, as yr friend says, he's been having some frolicksome adventures at the U, great. head up there if it suits. but YMMV.

the tourist areas aside, TL is still a conservative, insular culture. Thai and its dialects are the lingua franca, although they've placed emphasis on English in recent decades, if it's rote-repetition from a native-Thai-speaking instructor, don't expect to saunter in and dialogue those INSANELY cute Thai uni gals. if they're looking for a farang, u better be young/handsome/rich or at-least-presentable and REALLY rich. there are expat-ghettos all over TL now, even Chiang Rai, but while you'll be a novelty, don't expect uni gals to be diving under the table to blow you.

if yr keen on dating non-working TGs, Bangkok is the place and the importance of learning correct Thai (NOT the Isaan dialect most bargirls speak) can't be overemphasized. learn Thai language and culture, seriously. otherwise, stick with the pros/semi-pros or check in at tagged.com, it's a great place for sportfuckin'. if u wanna do some spectating, hang around Chula or ABAC unis at lunchtime (if you want to try chatting them up, dress reasonably well, speak softly, say that you're studying Thai and would like to practice...but forget it with Chula gals, try Ramkhamhaeng!), or sample the eye-candy in the Silom area as they get off work (17:00-17:30). it ain't only the uni gals who wear uniforms....            

[ Last edited by  JackTheBat at 25-1-2011 10:33 ]

captaincaveman 25-1-2011 01:14 Karma +1 more good stuff
SEAJ 25-1-2011 01:56 Karma +2 Really devilish eyes!
pickyprick 25-1-2011 11:15 Karma +2 Very nice.

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